Monthly Archives: August 2014

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – 30 Jahre im Gefängnis

Frankreichs Regierung verweigert Freilassung eines libanesischen Kommunisten
Schon vor 15 Jahren hätte Georges Ibrahim Abdallah freigelassen werden können – doch Ende Oktober wird er seit 30 Jahren in einem französischen Gefängnis sitzen. Der 1951 in Kobayat geborene Libanese hatte sich in den 80er Jahren am Widerstandskampf gegen die israelische Besatzung seines Landes beteiligt. Die Truppen Tel Avivs waren 1978 und 1982 in den Libanon einmarschiert, um die Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation PLO zu zerschlagen, die in dem Land ihre wichtigste Basis hatte. Zudem sollte der syrische Einfluß im Libanon zurückgedrängt und eine pro-israelische Regierung in Beirut installiert werden. Erst im Jahr 2000 zogen sich die israelischen Truppen aus dem Südlibanon zurück, nur die vom Libanon beanspruchten Schebaa-Farmen am Fuß der Golanhöhen stehen noch unter israelischer Kontrolle.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, der damals zu den führenden Köpfen der »Libanesischen Revolutionären Bewaffneten Gruppen« (FARL) gehörte, soll sich in dieser Zeit an Anschlägen auf Repräsentanten Israels und der USA beteiligt haben. Nach seiner Festnahme 1984 wurde er wegen Mittäterschaft an den 1982 verübten Morden an dem israelischen Diplomaten Yaakov Bar-Simantov sowie am stellvertretenden Militärattaché der US-Botschaft in Paris, Charles R. Ray, zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt. Die festgelegte Mindesthaftdauer betrug 15 Jahre. »Er hätte also ab 1999 freigelassen werden können«, erläuterte eine Aktivistin des französischen Solidaritätskomitees »Sou­tien à Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Bagnolet« im Gespräch mit junge Welt. Er habe seither wiederholt Anträge auf Haftentlassung gestellt, die aber alle abgelehnt wurden. Zuletzt sah es im Januar 2013 so aus, als könnte er das Gefängnis verlassen, nachdem die französische Justiz sein letztes entsprechendes Gesuch positiv beschieden hatte. Voraussetzung wäre jedoch gewesen, daß der damalige französische Innenminister und heutige Premier Manuel Valls die Ausweisung des Libanesen angeordnet hätte. Dieser weigerte sich jedoch, das entsprechende Dokument zu unterschreiben – offenbar auf Druck Washingtons. »Es gab eine Intervention der USA, es sei völlig inakzeptabel, daß Georges überhaupt jemals wieder aus dem Gefängnis kommt«, hieß es aus dem Solidaritätskomitee.

Als Reaktion auf die fortgesetzte Verhinderung einer Freilassung ernannte der Stadtrat von Bagnolet, östlich von Paris, Georges Ibrahim im vergangenen Dezember zum Ehrenbürger. Dafür eingesetzt hatte sich der damalige kommunistische Bürgermeister der 35000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt, Marc Everbecq. Inzwischen regiert Tony di Martino von der Sozialistischen Partei die Stadt, und zusammen mit den Konservativen der UMP und der extremen Rechten setzte er sofort alles daran, die Ernennung rückgängig zu machen. Anfang Juli erklärte daraufhin ein Verwaltungsgericht in Montreuil die Ehrung für ungültig.

Georges Ibrahim wird auf die Ehrenbürgerschaft verzichten können, denn in seinem Heimatland gilt er vielen ohnehin als Held. Mit Blick auf den 30. Jahrestag der Inhaftierung am 24. Oktober wollen seine Unterstützer ihre Aktivitäten verstärken. Derzeit läuft der neunte Antrag auf Haftentlassung, doch die Chancen stehen schlecht, denn gerade vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Lage im Nahen Osten würde eine Entscheidung auf Entlassung des Langzeitgefangenen natürlich als politisches Signal an Israel verstanden werden. Von Premier Valls, der im vergangenen Jahr die Freilassung als Innenminister verhindert hatte, ist so ein Schritt kaum zu erwarten. Deshalb appellierten im vergangenen Juni am Rande des UZ-Pressefestes der DKP in Dortmund die Vertreter von 23 kommunistischen Parteien unter anderem aus den USA, Frankreich, Brasilien, Kolumbien, Libanon, Kuba und Palästina an den französischen Präsidenten François Hollande, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah sofort und bedingungslos freizulassen.

André Scheer / Junge Welt vom 12. August 2014 ist online!

Worum es geht:


Einhergehend mit der Entwicklung der kapitalistischen Krise, den Auswirkungen auf die Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen der proletarischen Klasse in den Metropolen, den unterdrückten und ausgebeuteten Völkern weltweit und der sich entwickelnden Antworten darauf , immer wieder aufflackernde Revolten, Aufstände, Streiks, militanter Widerstand  am Arbeitsplatz, Bildungsinstitutionen, Wohnquartieren, Strassenkämpfen bleibt die repressive Antwort der herrschenden Klassen nicht aus. Davon betroffen sind im speziellen Masse auch die politischen Gefangenen. Isolationshaft, differenzierter Strafvollzug und Zensur sind nur einige Merkmale davon. Ziel ist es, ihnen jegliche Möglichkeiten zu nehmen weiterhin aktiver Teil der Klassen- und Befreiungskämpfen wie revolutionären Kampfes zu bleiben und mit ihren Erfahrungen einen wichtigen Beitrag in dessen Entwicklung zu leisten.

Die nützlichste Solidarität mit militanten, revolutionären Gefangenen ist die Entwicklung des revolutionären Kampfes draussen – sie daran teilhaben zu lassen, also Teil der Dynamik dieser Kämpfe, ihren Debatten und Theoretisierungen zu sein, ist das Ziel dieser Website! Sie ist eine konkrete Antwort auf die totale Zensur gegen die Militanten Gefangenen für eine PCP-m. Diese Gefangenen, wie viele andere auch, hatten sich seit ihrer Verhaftung (2007) mit programmatischen Texten immer wieder in die Dynamik der Kämpfe draussen eingebracht. Zuletzt in den im September 2013 organisierten Knastkämpfen Italiens.Mit ihrem Text lösten sie eine Debatte aus, an der sie sich aber nicht mehr beteiligen konnten, da die staatliche Zensur ihnen jegliche politische Kommunikation mit Draussen verunmöglicht.

Unsere Antwort darauf ist längst fällig und ist natürlich nicht auf sie beschränkt… gerne erweitern wir die Publikation mit politischen Texten anderer Gefangenen…..

Diese Initiative reiht sich ein in die diversen Kampffronten des revolutionären Kampfes, als Teil eines Ganzen.

Texte der angeklagten GenossInnen der griechischen Guerillagruppe Revolutionärer Kampf
wie jene der kommunistischen Militanten Gefangenen für die PCP-m sind zur Zeit auf der Website zu finden.

Mehr auf:

Open letter of Revolutionary Struggle member Pola Roupa from clandestinity

On July 16th, 2014 the armed dogs of the establishment unleashed a fierce manhunt, and comrade Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, was hit by a cop’s bullet and fell covered in blood. The comrade gave his battle against the cops that were chasing him.

The state apparatus in its totality triumphed over the arrest of the “No 1 most-wanted fugitive” in the country. So did the criminal and real archi-terrorist Samaras, whose government took over the reins from the former pro-memorandum governments in a campaign for the biggest social genocide that has ever occurred in Greece in a time of “peace”. Samaras has used the arrest of Maziotis as a means to the stabilization of his faltering government, in order to support a political and economic regime with rotten foundations, which has long been discredited in social consciences.

For the political and economic regime, not only in Greece but also internationally, the arrest of a revolutionary with the political calibre of Nikos Maziotis is a “significant success”, as stated by the United States. That’s because the comrade’s arrest is perceived by our enemies as a blow to the struggle for the establishment’s subversion, as a blow to the struggle for liberation from the yoke of capitalism and the State, as a blow to the struggle for social Revolution. The size of threat that Maziotis poses to the establishment is reflected in the high-pitched nauseating rejoicing on the part of the domestic and foreign political power.

Because the comrade and the Revolutionary Struggle, the organization in which he belongs, are intrinsically linked to the systemic political destabilization, to the undermining of a rotten regime; linked to the consistent war against domination and contemporary barbarity; linked to the struggle for the overthrow of the State and capitalism, linked to the social Revolution itself. Comrade Nikos Maziotis was and continues to be committed to the Revolution. This is what he has fought for, this is was he still fights for; this is why they present him as No 1 danger to the establishment. Thus, the political gravity of this case should be the primary parameter in expressing solidarity with the comrade.

Currently, Maziotis is a prisoner of social and class war. It’s not fair that he is in prison. It would only be fair if he was free, fighting for social Revolution. It would only be fair if those who are responsible for the plight of the Greek people, those who voted for and implement the memoranda, were shackled instead of him and they stood people’s trials; the economic elite, the rich who suck the blood of proletarians, the political elite and their servants. It would be fair if Samaras, Venizelos, Papandreou, Papademos and their criminal organizations, the Troikans and the leaders of the European Union, were shackled in chains. The domestic and foreign bosses, for the economic interests of whom the land and the people who live in it are being ravaged. These are the real terrorists and robbers. These are the ruthless criminals and brutal murderers.

The cheering about the arrest was accompanied by the anticipated attacks of state propaganda, reproduced and largely created by the mouthpieces of Power, the mass media. Attacks that tried to stain the comrade’s revolutionary character and used the shootout in the area of Monastiraki as their banner, in which the comrade is portrayed as “unscrupulous gunslinger” who opens fire indiscriminately, while the cops “are striving to neutralize him” without the use of firearms. The cops supposedly fired a single bullet, and this was merely done to “neutralize” the comrade. How nauseating liars and hypocrites are they, both the state mechanisms and the kneelers who bow down to the regime in the news bulletins! “He was shooting amid the crowd.” Who chose the place for this battle? Who started the manhunt? Or, should Maziotis have dropped the weapon and surrender without a fight?

The cops consciously opted to conduct an armed clash in a crowded place. The comrade was obliged to defend himself. After they made one of the injured tourists, who stated he was shot by a cop, disappear from publicity as soon as possible, they declared again and again in the mainstream media that they fired only one bullet, while the comrade fired eight bullets. But upon mere suspicion that the man they were chasing may turn out to be Maziotis, they would open fire even with automatic machine guns not to let him get away. Because the stakes for them were of great political importance, and they didn’t care one bit if their operation was taking place among dozens of people, nor did it matter to them if some bystander would get killed. Besides, if that happened, they would blame the comrade for it. Who could ever refute them?

As for the ridiculous claims that they had supposedly tracked him down a few days ago, these were said in the context of state propaganda, not to admit that this was a purely random incident. And this is something that can also be seen in their contradictory reports. First, they claim that the comrade was recognized by a secret policewoman shortly before the shootout. Then, they claim that a former secret policeman had recognized him days before at a metro station. If it were true that they had tracked him down the previous days, they would have arrested us. A female snitch and a moment of bad luck gave way to the manhunt. But, again, they could not admit that the police chase started randomly. All of the propaganda about locating him beforehand was generated to publicly assert that the repressive mechanisms, and especially the “antiterrorist” force, are productive and effective. But this is too far from reality. In the whole previous period, we were continuously among them. We were moving everywhere. We were passing by them. We watched them, but they did not see us.

Since the arrest of my companion, I have become “No 1 most-wanted fugitive”; I and my child, about whom the regime’s men of straw in the mass media “inform” with excessive vulgarity, disclosing a lot of his personal data, and with a nauseating hypocrisy they simultaneously reward the prosecution mechanisms for their “sensitivity” not to release the child’s photograph to the public. From now on, the cops are going to sweep the country to find the child based on any clues that they might have. Other than that, my son is not wanted by authorities… And as one disgraceful police-minded journalist stated in the past, they were hoping to catch us through the child. Now, through the child, they wish to capture me.

They have my comrade heavily wounded in their hands. Their vindictiveness was something expected. To them it is not enough that they have Maziotis with an arm crushed by a bullet and in serious health condition; so, despite the fact that the necessity for close medical supervision and more surgeries was made public, they enforced his vindictive transfer to a prison known to not have doctors even for the most basic medical needs of prisoners. No doubt that, because of this transfer alone, his condition has deteriorated. I know firsthand what kind of prison transfers are imposed on armed combatants. When I was forced to be moved to another prison while I was pregnant, I ended up in hospital bleeding, and I was forced to stay bedridden to avoid having a miscarriage. It is obvious that they are afraid. They have the comrade in their hands with his arm crushed, and yet they are still afraid.

In what has to do with me: really, did they expect and still anticipate that I’m going to give myself up? I’m not going to do them this favor. Let them come and get me. In reality, my persecutors do not believe that I would do such a thing. That’s why they raided and searched the home of my family, interrogated my mother and sister looking for any clues, but in vain. Their statements in the media, that I find myself in a difficult position and it’s possible that I will hand myself in to authorities, are nothing more than an ultimate effort to inflict pressure. My persecutors know me. They got to know me on April 10th, 2010, when I was pregnant in their hands, and despite their ridiculous attempts to terrorize me, I didn’t even tell them my name; all they received from me was spitting. They are aware of my political stance during imprisonment, they know what political stance I maintained during the entire trial process. I was, I am and I will be a member of the Revolutionary Struggle. If they think they can bend me, they are grossly mistaken.

The arrest of our comrade was a blow. Our comrade Lambros Foundas shed his blood in the alleys of Dafni, and Nikos Maziotis in Monastiraki. The Revolutionary Struggle has given its blood for the cause of social Revolution. But our enemies will not have the last word.

There is still open ground for the Revolutionary Struggle. The social ground is ours, not theirs. For our enemies it is a hostile, wild ground which they can control only with violence. Every day the State and the Capital plunder, terrorize, murder, and exterminate in their attempt to save the establishment. In the name of “tearing out of the system all the rot” they hack to death millions of people that are considered superfluous for the reproduction of capitalism. At the same time, they bombard the society with stupid stories of “economic recovery” and “a way out of the country from the tunnel of crisis”; stories that make the poor, the hungry, the ragged in this country burst into laughter and indignation.

On the 16th of July a battle took place in Monastiraki. An unequal battle between a revolutionary and tens of armed dogs of the State. An unequal battle, just as the struggle for Revolution is unequal in this historical period. A struggle between few revolutionaries and an apparatus that is armed to the teeth and very large in numbers. It’s just that this struggle, the revolutionary struggle, is not a numerical question. It is a matter of soul. It is a matter of believing in revolutionary justness. A matter of believing in the Revolution. Of combating a murderous system, criminal by its very nature, reproduced through exploitation, oppression, and even the physical extermination of people. A system reproduced by violence. The violence of economic policy, the violence exercised by the economic and political elite to keep the rotten capitalist system alive, to ensure their interests, and to continue to dominate.

Every single one of us experience the results of this violence over the last four years that the country has been in the throes of crisis, with millions of unemployed and casual workers, with poverty wages, with the transformation of work in slave trade, with the worst conditions of wage slavery ever experienced by people in this country. We have seen and continue to see the results of this murderous violence in people’s hunger, malnutrition of children, starvations, sicknesses, deaths, and the ever increasing suicides. We see these results in dumpsters where humans-mice, with their dignity crushed, are diving for a piece of bread. This “concealed” violence of the system, amid a systemic crisis, has now become a weapon of mass destruction.

It is absolutely fair to fight injustice; to combat a system that is imprisoning, beating, killing second-class people, whether these are resisters, strikers and demonstrators or wretched migrants, with the raw violence of repressive mechanisms so as to consolidate the order. A system that is establishing “maximum security” dungeons with the primary purpose of annihilating the armed combatants politically, morally, psychologically, even physically, of crushing the willingness to wage an armed revolutionary struggle. A system served by a justice which requires the legitimization of all kinds of state violence (e.g. the case on the wreck in Farmakonisi, where Coast Guard officers were responsible for drowning migrants, is filed), but also the racist violence against wretched workers (e.g. strawberry producers and their foremen were acquitted for the murderous assault on migrant farm workers in Manolada). Moreover, internationally, in the name of consolidating the New World Order through wars against “terrorism”, the slaughter of an entire people in Palestine is being legitimized.

Revolutionary struggle is a matter of believing in the need of combating oppressors; of returning to the real criminals, the real terrorists and murderers who make up the system, a percentage of the violence which is perpetrated by them. Because only with armed revolutionary action they will be able to understand that they won’t stay forever untouched.

Most of all, revolutionary struggle is a matter of deep and unyielding belief in revolutionary justness, the righteousness of abolishing every form of exploitation and repression, and destroying the State and capitalism. The fairness of a society of economic equality, without rich and poor, without masters and slaves. The fairness of a society of truly free people.

In the period that the Revolutionary Struggle has been active, since 2003 to date, it has waged a forceful armed struggle against all forms of violence of the establishment which were mentioned above. Ministries, courts, police forces, banks, the stock exchange building, the American embassy, the Bank of Greece were targeted by the organization. Acting consistently, the Revolutionary Struggle has given significant responses to state violence, the violence of the economic and political elite, the violence of the establishment’s justice, and has written significant pages in the revolutionary history of this land, but also at international level.

The Revolutionary Struggle acted and spoke with regards to the economic crisis in times when silence spread over the establishment’s fraud of “eternal stability of the system” and “flourishing Greek economy”. Later, with the onset of the crisis, the organization refuted all of the dominant voices that spoke of “fortified and unassailable Greek economy,” but also the swallow perceptions, impregnated with the regime’s propaganda, that were unable to grasp the magnitude of the coming storm.

The Revolutionary Struggle spoke and acted with regards to the Revolution and the revolutionary social organization in times when these issues were buried beneath the mold of fraudulent social welfare. It kept and continues to keep the flame of social Revolution, the flame of freedom, alive. It marked, determined, inspired many people, and shaped and continues to shape consciences.

For all of the aforementioned, it has posed, poses and will pose a serious political threat to the establishment. The Revolutionary Struggle has fought, fights and will fight for all of the aforementioned. For all that, I will continue to fight.


Pola Roupa, August 8th, 2014

Source: contra info

Brief von Gülaferit Ünsal zum Solidaritätshungerstreik

Hallo ,

Ich habe einen dreitägigen Hungerstreik (18.-20. Juli) in Solidarität mit den griechischen Gefangenen gemacht. Isolation ist Folter.

Ich selber bin in einer Isolationszelle seit 2 Jahren und 3 Monaten. Ich
verstehe sehr gut die Situation der griech. Gefangenen. Ich war auch in griechischem Knast. Ich kenne die Bedingungen der griech. Gefangenen.
Du kennst die F-Typ Gefängnisse in der Türkei. 7-jähriges Todesfasten gegen Isolationszellen in der Türkei, gegen die F-Typ Gefängnisse. 122 Menschen sind gestorben im Widerstand gegen die F-Typ Gefängnisse.
Ich möchte kein neues Massaker irgendwo auf dieser Welt. Aber, Imperialismus & Faschismus wollen immer neue Massaker auf der Welt. Die Isolation ist eine kapitalistische Politik. Es steht nicht nur im Zusammenhang mit den Gefängnissen. Es entzieht einem das Gehirn. 7 Jahre
Todesfasten hat der ganzen Welt gezeigt, dass dies unmöglich ist. Jeder sollte Widerstand gegen die Isolation zeigen. Jeder kann es tun. Es ist möglich!
Dann noch eine andere Entwicklung. Mörder Israel hat Gaza bebommt. Ein Massaker in Palästina!
19.07.14: Israel tötete 260 Menschen
20.07.14: mehr als 350
30.000 Menschen sind in UN-Schulen. Sie warte auf Hilfe. Israel tötet Kinder und Frauen, Zivilisten.

Muhammed Ramiz Bkir – 9 Jahre alt
Ahid Bekir – 10 Jahre alt
Zekariya Bekir – 10 Jahre alt
Ismaiz Muhammed Bekir – 11 Jahre alt

Alle sind Brüder einer Familie.

Die Kinder haben in der Nähe des Meeres gespielt. Israelische Soldaten bombten 2 mal.
Die erste Bombe kam, als die Kinder lebten. Die zweite kam nur 30 Sekunden später, als die Kinder schon rannten. Israel tötete sie. Israel tötete viele Kinder. Ich protestiere gegen den Mörder Israel. Mein Herz schlägt für Palästina.

Wieso sind alle politische Gefangenen in Isolationszellen?

Das kapitalistische System möchte, dass wir nicht über andere Menschen nachdenken, dass wir die Schmerzen anderer Menschen nicht spüren.
Doch wir (ich bin) sind Menschen. Wir haben ein Herz und ein Gehirn. Wir fühlen, denken und können sehen. Isolationszellen können das nicht verhindern.
Grüße – Gülaferit Ünsal


Pressemitteilung der Gefangenen-Gewerkschaft (Deutschland)

Gefangenen-Gewerkschaft/Bundesweite Organisation (GG/BO)

Sprecher der GG/BO: Oliver Rast / Protokollführer der GG/BO:
Mehmet-Sadik Aykol /
GG-Sprecher der JVA Tegel: Attila-Aziz Genc / GG-Sprecher der JVA
Plötzensee: Hasan Adli /
GG-Sprecher der JVA Willich I und II: André Borris M.á Moussa
Schmitz/ GG-Sprecher der JVA Aschaffenburg: Andreas Krebs /
GG-Sprecher für die Sicherungsverwahrten (SV): Peter-Moritz Fricke

Berlin, 7. August 2014

An Print- und Online-Medien

P R E S S E – E R K L Ä R U N G

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

unserem engagierten GG-Sprecher in der JVA Willich I und II, André
Borris M. á Moussa Schmitz, wurden in den vergangenen vierzehn Tagen
zweimal Unterlagen der Gefangenen-Gewerkschaft /Bundesweite
Organisation (GG/BO) vorenthalten bzw. beschlagnahmt. Als Grund für
diesen Willkürakt wird seitens der JVA-Leitung angegeben, die
GG/BO-Materialien würden die „Sicherheit und Ordnung“ in der Anstalt
gefährden. U.a. wurden mehrere Briefbögen mit GG/BO-Logo eingezogen
und mindestens 10 Exemplare unseres Papiers mit dem Titel „Zur Frage
der Koalitionsfreiheit für Inhaftierte – für volle
Gewerkschaftsrechte hinter Gittern!“ Gegen dieses Vorgehen hat unser
GG-Sprecher Moussa Schmitz Beschwerde und Antrag auf gerichtliche
Entscheidung (§ 109 StVollzG) eingelegt. Wir als GG/BO solidarisieren
uns rundweg mit unserem Kollegen und werden weitere Schritte
einleiten, um diesen Schikanen offensiv entgegenzutreten. Wir fordern
die JVA-Leitung hiermit entschieden auf, jede Einschränkung unserer
legitimen gewerkschaftlichen Tätigkeit in der JVA Willich I und II zu
unterlassen. Als nicht rechtsfähiger Verein nach BGB §§ 54 i.V.m. 21
ist es uns als gefangene Gewerkschafterinnen und Gewerkschafter
möglich, das im Grundgesetz (Art. 9, Abs. 3) garantierte Recht auf
Koalitionsfreiheit wahrzunehmen. In dem von der Anstalt konfiszierten
GG/BO-Text „Zur Frage der Koalitionsfreiheit für Inhaftierte – für
volle Gewerkschaftsrechte hinter Gittern!“ heißt es abschließend:
„Der wirkungsvollste Selbstschutz unserer Initiative liegt letztlich
darin, wenn wir innerhalb und außerhalb der Knäste unsere
Mitgliederbasis weiter stärken und kein Knast in der Bundesrepublik
mehr ohne Gefangenen-Gewerkschaft ist. Das führt nicht nur zu einem
notwendigen organisatorischen Aufbau der GG/BO, sondern ebenso zu
einem selbstbewussteren Auftreten von Gefangenen, um legitime
Forderungen zu stellen und deren Umsetzung zu erstreiten.“ In diesem
Sinne setzen wir auf einen aktiven und breiten Solidarisierungseffekt
von (Basis-)Gewerkschafterinnen und (Basis-)Gewerkschaftern sowie
Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten von Gefangenenhilfsorganisationen und
Menschenrechtsvereinen, damit sich das solidarischen Band drinnen &
draußen weiter festigen kann!

Oliver Rast
– Sprecher der GG/BO –

Antirep-Festival vom 15. bis 17. August im Sedel (Luzern)

Freitag, 15. August bis Sonntag, 17. August
Musikzentrum Sedel Luzern
Brass the Ripper! (Jazz-Brass-Rap/Küssnacht a. Rigi)
Vier Gürz! (World/Luzern)
Sin Logica! (Loud n’ dirty Punk Rock/Luzern)
Refpolk & Pyro One! (ZeckenRap/Berlin)
Oli Second! (Rap /Luzern)

Missbrauch! (Punk/München)
Holger Burner! (Klassenkampfrap/Hamburg)
SauStall! (Punk)
Redska! (Ska / Cesena IT)
TS Kaixo!
DJ Loukanikos!

Samstag 12-20 Uhr / Sonntag 10-16Uhr

mit Ständen von Lagota, Romp, FAU Bern, Karakök Autonome, Black Rat, revolutionärer Aufbau

India: Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners : An Appeal to International Community on behalf of Jonathan (Bold) Board

The Arrest of the Swiss citizen Jonathan Board who came to Kerala on tourist visa, by Kerala police on flimsy grounds, is highly discriminative and with ulterior motive. 

After the arrest in order to justify the same Kerala police is fabricating canards, that Jonathan has link with Maoists and he has come to attend the memorial meeting organized by Maoists to show the respect towards the Maoist Guerilla fighter Sinoj who became martyr in an accidental explosion took place on june 16th of 2014. 

The police also alleged that Jonathan addressed the meeting hence violated Foreigners Act.

The police has taken a case against him and incarcerated in the dungeon hole named Iringalakkuda Sub Jail,Thrissur District,Kerala. 

I was the Chairperson of the Sinoj Memorial Committee that organized the meeting and was a main Speaker. 

As the Chairperson I wish to state that Jonathan was neither an invitee to the meeting nor a speaker. 

And he did not addressed the meeting as the police was trying to depict with a sinster view. 

According to Jonathan, he came to the meeting only out of curiosity as he is a left lenient person.

He got the information of the meeting from an English Daily News Paper. 

He listen to the speeches delivered in the meeting up to the end. 

In the meantime he also purchased some English handbooks. 

As the meeting was formerly over Jonathan himself approached the organizers and expressed his wish to introduce himself to the audience who was started disbursing. 

Out of the same curiosity as the Chairperson I agreed to his longing. 

He introduced himself and expressed that he also share our sorrow caused by Sinoj’s martyrdom. It was only a casual talk,any humanitarian from any corner of the World can express. 

The police and the state which is a culprit in granting V.I.P treatment to the Italian marines who had violated the international water laws as well as Indian laws and shot two fishermen to death is now taking a different approach to meet their narrow political ends. 

It is deplorable. 

And I/We regret for the unfortunate faith met out with Jonathan, though created by state , and request to the progressive and democratic forces and personalities of International Community to intervene in Jonathan’s affair and put pressure on the India/Kerala governments and see that his release from the Jail unconditionally. 

M.N Ravunni Vice President, Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners 
Kerala, India 
