Tag Archives: Griechenland

Interview mit Nikos Maziotis, Brief von Pola Roupa (dt., PDF)

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Interview with Nikos Maziotis (14.8.2014)

First interview of Nikos Maziotis after his arrest published in the Greek newspaper “Efimerida ton Sintaktion”

You are a member of Revolutionary Struggle, an armed anarchist organization. Why did you choose armed struggle as a method of action?
Armed struggle is an integral part of the struggle for social revolution. It is an integral part of a revolutionary movement that seeks the overthrow of capital and the state. There is an inseparable connection between the movement and armed struggle to such an extent that a movement to be truly revolutionary needs to include armed struggle in its targets. Throughout history there has never been a victorious revolution that was not armed. Armed struggle or in other words, armed propaganda, is a very powerful tool for the fight and its political messages can be very powerful, as long as there is an overall political conception and analysis about where we act, what we want and what we aim for. In Revolutionary Struggle we believe that armed action aims at dissipating to the greatest possible social and folk classes the necessity of social revolution and of the overthrow of capital and the state. Today, especially in Greece but not only, during the fiercest attack of the imperialist capital, while the Troika and the Greek state implement a policy of social genocide, armed struggle is as necessary and timely as ever. In 2009, at the beginning of the crisis, when it still had the characteristics of a crisis of the financial system and before it became a debt crisis, we had expressed the view that a great opportunity for a revolutionary era had dawned for Greece, because the consequence of the crisis was the end of neoliberal consensus and the de-legitimization of the economic and political system in the eyes of the social majority. Under these these circumstances, targeted armed action against the regime may result in a cascade for a system with advanced interdependence in all areas and activities and acts as a proliferation risk of destabilization. Since the economic and political globalization has advanced significantly, and with it the conditions of interdependence have increased, our view has been reinforced that armed struggle is now more than ever, not only politically necessary and feasible, but also crucial for the incitement of systemic problems and conflicts that will effectively undermine the system, to its final fall. But this requires a revolutionary movement that will resort to arms.

When arrested in 2010 you assumed the political responsibility of your participation in Revolutionary Struggle. What does political responsibility mean?
As a fighter and as a member of an armed group I did what I see as self-evident. I defended the organization to which I belong, I defended the attacks committed by the organization, I defended Lambros Foundas a member of the organization who was killed in an armed clash with police preparing a hit answer to the regime in order to block the Greek government, the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank from taking possession of the country and to end the current junta of capital and State, the new totalitarianism that the supranational economic and political elite want to impose on the entire planet taking advantage of the occasion of the global economic crisis. This stance we adopted was a matter of integrity for us. We were not looking to save ourselves. Taking political responsibility for us who chose to do this was a collective decision, and not an individual choice, and so after our arrests we managed to keep intact our collectivity and the imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle fought back, and we continued to talk about the necessity of modern proletarian counterattack and social revolution intervening with statements in major strikes and popular protests against the Memorandum of 2010-2011. We had the same attitude in the trial. Any other attitude than taking political responsibility would be a betrayal of our principles and our ideals and disrespectful to the dead, like Lambros Foundas.

How do you respond to those who claim that armed action causes repression? For example, after Christodoulos Xiros fled prison, the government expedited the bill for type C prisons, intended for members of armed revolutionary organizations.
It is stupid to believe that the struggle for freedom will not meet the response of the state and that it will not have serious repercussions. The struggled has as a compass the social revolution and the overthrow of capital and the state and it is obvious that it is not governed by the Criminal Code and the laws of the enemy and so it will necessarily adopt illegal forms of action, such as armed struggle, beyond the legal forms of action that it adopts. In the struggle for freedom and revolution, class and social war, there will be bloodshed, we will be deaths, there will be imprisonment, there will be special anti-terrorist laws and special prisons for members of armed organizations. Christos Kassimis, Christos Tsoutsouvis, Christopher Marino, Lambros Foundas paid with their lives the price of fighting guns in hand, in the struggle for overthrow and revolution. As in other historical eras, the guerrillas of ELAS and the Democratic Army in Greece and members of armed organizations in Europe and Latin America, such as the Tupamaros, the Red Brigade, the members of RAF, the Action Direct members or members of armed organizations in Turkey. The price they paid was deaths in armed clashes, deaths from hunger strikes in prison and years of convictions. As a member of the Revolutionary Struggle I always had in mind that the price of my choices would either be one long heavy sentence in prison, which I have already received, or death in a fight with the dogs of the state. I could have been killed at Monastiraki. It was something that I knew could happen. The costs and consequences of the struggle for the overthrow and revolution do not mean that we should give up. The only lost cause is one that was never fought for. It should however be borne in mind that the price of such an option has a second side: For example, the enemy has paid a heavy toll since many cops have been killed by armed rebel groups, paying for their choice to be the dogs of the bosses. The same goes for politicians, judges, and for businessmen. This is what I argued in trial defending the attack Revolutionary Struggle realized with Kalashnikovs against the three riot policemen in Exarchia in January 2009, which was in retaliation for the murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, and resulted in the heavy injury of Adamantios Mantzounis. Mantzounis paid the price of becoming a riot policeman and since then has not been in the police. Therefore in contrast to the claims that armed action exacerbates the suppression I answer that attacks by armed rebel groups against the forces of repression act as a deterrent to the intensity of police violence. On the contrary to popular belief the lack of armed action and thus the absence of the threat of retaliation frees more repressive action of the forces. Anyone who thinks that he is a fighter or an anarchist and believes that he must act within the limits of legality is best to join a legitimate parliamentary party, to join the system and to stop pretending to be a militant or revolutionary or anarchist. To provoke the state when fighting it is normal. One should be more worried about not inducing reaction since it indicates we are not on track if the enemy does not consider us dangerous.

In 2012, while still on trial for Revolutionary Struggle you and Paula Roupa violated their bail and chose to go underground. Why did you chose this?  
To go underground was something we had decided since our release due to the passage of 18 months without a conclusive conviction. We knew we would be convicted to 25 years imprisonment, and we were not willing to accept this passively. At the time we chose to go underground the stage of the proceedings where indictment witnesses are examined in connection with the operations of the organization was over. During this period we gave many months-long battle defending the actions of the organization, one by one, staying there to turn our trial into a forum for the defense of Revolutionary Struggle, of armed action and social revolution. We were not content to take a stand politically at the end of the trial, at the stage where the defense of the accused allows a statement in the form of the “apology”, so we took a stance politically regarding all our actions from the start. We chose to go underground for the obvious reasons: To be free, to continue the armed struggle, to continue to fight for the necessity of social revolution, the necessity of armed proletarian and popular counter-attack against the regime of memoranda, Troika, the IMF, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, against the fiercest attack of imperialist capital. We chose to go underground in order to continue the struggle for the overthrow of capital and the state, for Libertarian Communism and Anarchy.
An important role in our choice to go underground was that we wanted to bring our child up without it seeing us behind bars. Within this framework was the reactivation of the Revolutionary Struggle with the attack on April 10, 2014 against the building of the Directorate for the Supervision of the Bank of Greece in Americis Street, which houses the resident representative of the IMF in Greece. As a member of Revolutionary Struggle I assume political responsibility for this action.

In Monastiraki, to avoid arrest you opened fire in a crowd of unsuspecting citizens. The result was the minor wounding of two tourists. What do you have to say about this?
First of all I am sorry that the two tourists were even slightly injured. The suffering of unrelated citizens in any way was something that we carefully avoid in the Revolutionary Struggle and this was made clear during the trial of the organization in which we were accused that the bombings risked human lives indiscriminately. After a long battle in court it was largely accepted that several of our claims such as the fact that most homicides accusations fell and only those involving the three riot policemen in Eksarhia in 2009, shot by the organization as a bloody retaliation for Grigoropoulos murder. In the case of Voulgarakis it was accepted that attempted execution of this scoundrel was canceled because there was a risk that someone might discover the bomb which was detonated at a time no danger was posed to transit citizens, not even to the police officer who was near TEEM. In the case of the attack on the Ministry of Economy in Sintagma Square where there were minor injuries to civilians, the court took into account that the police despite two warning calls had not isolated the space and ad therefore put lives at risk.Revealingly a woman who was injured received compensation from the government for this, while some policemen from the central police force were fined for blunders in this matter, since the police finally admitted that their wrong reactions put lives at risk. There are reports of the American Embassy in Greece that said members of Revolutionary Struggle risk much in their actions in order not to hurt civilians. History itself proves that we always take action and do care about the lives of citizens regardless of the target. In Monastiraki, as is stated in the police report, the injuries of the two tourists were from fragments and not direct shots by the bullets of the gun. The wounds of both these people were in the leg, which means that the shooting was low. This shows that I did not even aim at these people. How is it that now I am charged with attempted homicide of these people on the ground that I accepted the possibility of killing people? Here hypocrisy is surplus. In three cases of our actions the police put lives at risk. Once in Sintagma, at the Ministry of Finance, where their stupidity went as far as not roping off the space. Once at the Ministry of Employment where the special guard ordered a homeless citizen to carry the backpack with a bomb from the entrance to the Ministry a few steps further. The third event was at the Stock Exchange Market where the police did not advise  some guards to leave neighboring buildings. But there is another case where police have killed the wrong man during a hunt of an outlaw and there was no consequence for the police. In February 2010 during an arrest operation of Marian Kola in Byron, 9 police bullets killed an innocent by passer, Nikola Todi. Nobody was charged with attempted murder. And the then Minister of Public Order Chryssochoidis declared that a human life was lost, but the important thing is that two criminals were arrested. Overflowing excess hypocrisy for the value of human life. The police primarily interested in the life of their masters and to protect their colleagues. The same goes for politicians, government officials and capitalists who are only interested in the lives of similar class, while they could not care less for life in general. They have the audacity to accuse me of attempted murder the same people who with the social policy of genocide that they are applying are responsible for mass deaths, 4000 suicides, deaths of people from shortages in hospitals, who are responsible for people searching the garbage to eat, responsible for millions unemployed, who are responsible for the impoverishment of an entire people.

You are accused of two armed bank robberies. Do you think that bank robberies are a revolutionary act?
Under certain conditions, the expropriation of predatory financial institutions can be considered as part of a policy of revolutionary activity. Such is the case of expropriation for financing the guerrilla war as has been the case throughout history. Historically all guerrilla organizations, the Tupamaros, the Red Brigades, RAF, Action Direct have resorted to bank robberies to finance their activities. Expropriation of banks have been done by Spanish anarchists and Bolsheviks, even in Greece rebels of the third division of the Democratic Army in the Peloponnese, who realized ​​expropriations of branches of the National Bank in Kalavrita and Amaliada in 1948 during the civil war. But when expropriation is an individual choice, even if it is a conscious act, then it is nothing but a profession that is not related to political and revolutionary action, since by itself it is not a social policy proposal. In this category fall many of the social prisoners who have been convicted for this reason. Whether in one case or the other, since these acts are not against ordinary citizens but against predatory financial institutions, which are armed with the legal right to rob people, taking homes and property from those who can not pay off, then there is nothing wrong with them. With the crisis we have banks, local and foreign, are responsible for the poverty and misery of the people. Responsible for the unemployment, with the social policy of genocide they apply. With the crisis it is increasingly the case that social wealth is redistributed from the social base to the vaults of banks. Lets not forget that multinational banks, some of which were holders of the majority of Greek debt also control the greater part of the global economy by controlling the bulk of industry and commerce. So I cannot find anything bad in the criminal expropriation of such criminal institutions in either case – either as part of revolutionary political action or as personal choise. Without wanting to go into detail regarding the categories against me regarding two robberies of predatory financial institutions, all I can say is that since I was underground I could not work as an employee. My survival depended necessarily on such expropriations.

Why did you want to leave in such a haste from the hospital “Evangelizmos”?
The conditions of hospitalization in Evangelizmos offend human dignity. I was 24 hours in a room with their hooded Counterterrorism unit around my bed, the light was lit 24 hours for “safety reasons”. For “safety reasons”, of course, when it came to removing  the catheter they attempted, with orders from above as the police chief said, to tie me to the bed by putting my left hand in handcuffs. I reacted by tearing out the drip with antibiotics and told the doctors that I would not accept any medication and would begin a hunger strike. In order to pee they had the bathroom door wide open again for “safety reasons”of course to be able to monitor every move. And I need to add a course that tests operated on me before my arm was operated on were made ​​with the hooded presence of EKAM, and just before the surgery when the anesthesia was kicking in I noticed that police were dressed with medical uniforms and would attend the operation on the grounds of safety reasons . Under these circumstances I preferred to rush the transfer to the prison hospital Korydalloy. Let me add that isolation was enforced in prison hospital too, applied in violation of the same prison code that supposedly they have an obligation to implement. For two days I was locked into a cell in isolation until the director of the prison and the board decided what status was kept under. Eventually, they decided that they I could go 4 hours a day out of the cell in a corridor that did not exceed 10 meters where I had access to a phone, but I was still in isolation since I could not come into contact with other prisoners, while I was forbidden to go into the prison court which every prisoner is entitled to.

Do you think that Revolutionary Struggle has a foothold in society?
I believe that if any armed revolutionary organization has such action that it targets the problems of the people and of society, and if its actions are against the oppressors and exploiters of the people, against those who rob, murder and make them miserable it is then logical that despite the media brainwashing showing members of armed organizations as antisocial and criminal monsters, a large part of society supports the actions of rebel organizations. Thus, because the action of Revolutionary Struggle has these characteristics, I believe that yes, it has a foothold in society. I think that many would be willing in the present circumstances to take up arms to get Kalashnikovs and terminate the executioners of the people. But for this you need a revolutionary movement to organize them. The fact that Revolutionary Struggle has a foothold is also evident and demonstrated by the fact that the State has put a price on our heads for 2 million euros. One for me and one for Pola Roupa my companion. If the state had universal consensus and had managed to convince all that our action is against the society and the workers then they would not have to resort to the dastardly measure of fatwa, ie paid reporting, but would rely on voluntary reporting due to the supposed sense of social responsibity. How vile and despicable it is to be a whistleblower and even more so a paid one is evidenced by the fact that even the Germans before they departed in 1944 from Athens executed all interpreters and informants. Who is socially acceptable is demonstrated by the fact that I, Maziotis, as a member of the Revolutionary Struggle may roam the streets and live in society as I could when I was released in 2011. Everyone knew us. On the other hand Samaras, Venizelos, Papandreou, Ministers of Government, Members of Parliament who voted bills and all unpopular measures cannot walk the streets without armed escorts and bodyguards.

If you had the opportunity to send a message to Pola what would you say?
I would say that I am well and in high spirit, that she should remain free to raise our son, and that despite the losses, the struggle continues.

Offener Brief aus der Klandestinität von Pola Roupa, Mitglied des Revolutionären Kampfes

Am 16. Juli 2014 haben die bewaffneten Hunde des Establishments eine üble Menschenjagd veranstaltet. Genosse Nikos Maziotis, Mitglied des revolutionären Kampfes, wurde von einer Polizei-Kugel getroffen und fiel blutend zu Boden. Der Genosse kämpfte gegen die Polizisten, die ihn jagten.

Der ganze Staatsapparat triumphierte bei der Verhaftung des “meistgesuchten Flüchtigen Nummer 1” im Lande. So auch der Verbrecher und wirkliche Terrorist Samaras, dessen Regierung die Zügel von der ehemaligen Pro-Memorandum Regierung übernahm, in einer Kampagne für den grössten sozialen Völkermord, der jemals in Griechenland während einer „Friedenszeit“ stattgefunden hat. Samaras nutzte die Festnahme von Maziotis als Mittel zur Stabilisierung seiner maroden Regierung, um ein politisches und wirtschaftliches Regime mit verfaulten Fundamenten zu stützen, das im sozialen Bewusstsein schon lange diskreditiert wurde.

Für das politische und wirtschaftliche Regime, nicht nur in Griechenland, sondern auch international, ist die Festnahme eines Revolutionärs mit dem politischen Kaliber von Nikos Maziotis ein “bedeutender Erfolg”, so kommentieren die USA. Die Verhaftung des Genossen wird von unseren Feinden als ein Schlag gegen den subversiven Kampf gegen das Establishment wahrgenommen, als ein Schlag gegen den Kampf für die Befreiung vom Joch des Kapitalismus und des Staates, ein Schlag gegen den Kampf für die soziale Revolution. Die Grösse der Bedrohung, die Maziotis für das Establishment bedeutet, zeigt sich im widerlichen Jubel der in- und ausländischen politischen Macht.

Der Genosse und der „revolutionäre Kampf“, die Organisation der er angehört, sind untrennbar mit der systemischen politischen Destabilisierung verbunden, zur Unterminierung eines verfaulten Regimes; verbunden mit dem konsequenten Kampf gegen Herrschaft und Barbarei; verbunden mit dem Kampf für den Sturz des Staates und des Kapitalismus, verbunden mit der sozialen Revolution. Genosse Nikos Maziotis war und ist auch weiterhin mit der Revolution verbunden. Das ist, wofür er gekämpft hat, dies ist wofür er immer noch kämpft; das ist, warum sie ihn als Nummer 1 Gefahr für das Establishment präsentieren. Darum sollte der politische Schwerpunkt in diesem Fall in der Solidarität für den Genossen zum Ausdruck kommen.

Derzeit ist Maziotis ein Gefangener des sozialen Kampfes und des Klassenkampfes. Es ist nicht gut, dass er im Gefängnis ist. Richtig wäre, dass er frei ist, um für die soziale Revolution zu kämpfen. Es wäre richtig, wenn diejenigen, die für das Schicksal des griechischen Volkes verantwortlich sind, diejenigen, die für die Vereinbarungen gestimmt und diese eingeführt haben, an seiner Stelle gefesselt würden und vor ein Volksgericht gestellt würden, die wirtschaftliche Elite, die Reichen, die den ProletarierInnen das Blut aussaugen, die politische Elite und ihre Diener. Es wäre richtig, wenn Samaras, Venizelos, Papandreou, Papademos und ihre kriminellen Organisationen, die Troikans und die Führer der Europäischen Union in Ketten gelegt würden. Die in- und ausländischen Chefs, für deren wirtschaftliche Interessen das Land und die Menschen die hier leben, ausgebeutet werden. Das sind die wirklichen Terroristen und Räuber. Dies sind die rücksichtslosen Kriminellen und brutalen Mörder.

Der Jubel über die Festnahme wurde von den erwarteten Angriffen der staatlichen Propaganda begleitet, wiedergegeben und produziert durch die Stimmen der Macht, die Massenmedien. Angriffe, die den revolutionären Charakter des Genossen beschmutzen wollen, da die Schiesserei in der Nähe von Monastiraki stattfand. Indem sie den Genossen als “skrupellosen Revolverhelden” darstellen, der das Feuer rücksichtslos eröffnet habe, während die Bullen “bestrebt waren, ihn zu neutralisieren”, ohne den Gebrauch von Schusswaffen. Die Polizisten haben angeblich nur eine einzige Kugel abgefeuert, und dies lediglich, um ihn zu “neutralisieren”. Was für ekelerregende Lügner und Heuchler sind sie, sowohl der staatliche Apparat als auch die, die in den News Bulletins vor dem Regime in die Knie gehen. „Er habe inmitten der Menschenmenge geschossen.” Wer hat den Platz für diesen Kampf gewählt? Wer hat die Menschenjagd begonnen? Oder sollte Maziotis die Waffe fallen lassen und sich ohne Kampf ergeben?

Die Bullen haben bewusst entschieden, einen bewaffneten Konflikt an einem überfüllten Platz zu führen. Der Genosse war verpflichtet, sich zu verteidigen. Nachdem sie einen der verletzten Touristen, der nach eigenen Angaben von einem Polizisten angeschossen wurde, so schnell wie möglich verschwinden liessen, erklärten sie in den Mainstream-Medien wieder und wieder, dass sie nur eine Kugel abgefeuert hätten, während der Genosse acht Kugeln verschossen habe. Aber auf blossen Verdacht hin, dass der Mann, den sie jagten Maziotis sei, hatten sie sogar mit automatischen Maschinengewehren geschossen. Da der Einsatz für sie von grosser politischer Bedeutung war, war es ihnen egal, dass ihr Einsatz unter Dutzenden von Menschen stattfand und einige Zuschauer getötet würden. Ausserdem, wenn das passiert wäre, hätten sie die Schuld dem Genossen gegeben. Wer könnte das auch widerlegen?

Die lächerlichen Behauptungen, dass sie ihn angeblich vor ein paar Tagen gefunden hätten, das war Staatspropaganda da sie nicht zugeben wollten, dass es sich um reinen Zufall handelte. Das ist auch etwas, das in ihren widersprüchlichen Berichten gesehen werden kann. Zuerst sagten sie, dass der Genosse von einer Geheimpolizistin kurz vor der Schiesserei erkannt wurde. Dann behaupten sie, dass ein ehemaliger Geheimpolizist ihn Tage zuvor in einer U-Bahn-Station erkannt habe. Wenn es stimmt, dass sie ihn in vor Tagen gefunden hätten, hätten sie uns verhaftet. Eine weibliche Schnüfflerin und ein Zufall lösten eine Menschenjagd aus. Aber noch einmal, sie konnten nicht zugeben, dass die Polizeijagd zufällig begann. Die ganze Propaganda darüber, dass sie ihn schon vorher gefunden hätten, soll beweisen, dass die Repressionsapparate und vor allem die “Anti-Terror” Truppen produktiv und effektiv arbeiten. Aber das ist weit weg von der Realität. In der gesamten vorangegangenen Zeit, waren wir ständig unter ihnen. Wir bewegten uns überall. Wir gingen an ihnen vorbei. Wir beobachteten sie, aber sie sahen uns nicht.

Seit der Verhaftung meines Begleiters, bin ich zum “meistgesuchten Flüchtigen No 1” geworden, ich und mein Kind, worüber die Strohmänner des Regimes mit übermässiger Vulgarität in den Massenmedien “informieren”, sie veröffentlichen viele persönliche Daten und mit widerlicher Heuchelei belohnen sie gleichzeitig die Verfolgung und betonen ihre “Sensibilität” kein Foto des Kindes zu veröffentlichen. Von nun an werden die Bullen das Land durchkämmen, um das Kind auf Basis von Hinweisen zu finden. Mein Sohn wird nicht von den Behörden gesucht … Und wie ein mit der Polizei sympathisierender Journalist in der Vergangenheit sagte, hoffen sie, uns durch das Kind zu fangen. Durch das Kind, wollen sie mich zu fangen.

Sie haben meinen schwerverletzten Genossen in der Hand. Ihre Rachsucht hatten wir erwartet. Für sie ist es nicht genug, dass sie Maziotis mit einem von einer Kugel zerschmetterten Arm und in schlechtem gesundheitlichem Zustand haben und trotz der Tatsache, dass die Notwendigkeit für eine intensive medizinische Überwachung und Operationen öffentlich gemacht wurde, haben sie ihn in ein Gefängnis gebracht, von dem bekannt ist, dass es nicht einmal Ärzte für medizinische Grundbedürfnisse für Gefangene hat. Kein Zweifel, dass sich aufgrund dieser Verlegung sein Zustand verschlechtert hat. Ich weiss aus erster Hand, welche Art von Gefängnistransfers sie für bewaffnete Kämpfer durchführen. Als ich gezwungen war, in ein anderes Gefängnis überstellt zu werden während ich schwanger war, landete ich mit Blutungen im Krankenhaus, und ich war gezwungen zu liegen, um eine Fehlgeburt zu vermeiden. Es ist offensichtlich, dass sie Angst haben. Sie haben den Genossen mit seinem gebrochenen Arm in ihren Händen, und haben immer noch Angst.

Glauben sie wirklich und erwarten sie immer noch, dass ich mich ergeben werde? Ich werde ihnen diesen Gefallen nicht machen. Lasst sie kommen und mich holen. In Wirklichkeit glauben meine Verfolger nicht, dass ich so etwas tun werde. Darum haben sie das Haus meiner Familie überfallen und durchsucht, meine Mutter und Schwester verhört, sie suchten nach Hinweisen, aber vergeblich. Ihre Kommentare in den Medien, ich befände mich in einer schwierigen Lage, und es sei möglich, dass ich mich ergeben werde, sind nichts anderes als eine letzter Versuch Druck zu machen. Meine Verfolger kennen mich. Sie haben mich am 10. April 2010 kennengelernt, als ich schwanger in ihren Händen war, und trotz ihrer lächerlichen Versuche, mich zu terrorisieren, habe ich ihnen nicht einmal meinen Namen gesagt, alles was sie von mir bekamen war Spucke. Sie sind sich meiner politischen Haltung während der Haft bewusst, sie wissen welche politische Haltung ich während des gesamten gerichtlichen Prozesses hatte. Ich war, bin und werde ein Mitglied des Revolutionären Kampfes sein. Wenn sie denken, sie können mich biegen, liegen sie völlig falsch.

Die Festnahme unseres Genossen war ein Schlag. Unser Genosse Lambros Foundas hat sein Blut in den Gassen von Dafni vergossen und Nikos Maziotis in Monastiraki. Der revolutionäre Kampf hat sein Blut für die Sache der Revolution gegeben. Aber unsere Feinde werden nicht das letzte Wort haben.

Es gibt immer noch offenen Raum für den revolutionären Kampf. Der soziale Boden gehört uns, nicht ihnen. Für unsere Feinde ist es ein feindlicher, wilder Raum, den sie nur mit Gewalt kontrollieren können. Jeden Tag plündert, terrorisiert und mordet der Staat und das Kapital, sie vernichten in ihrem Versuch, das Establishment zu retten. Um wie sie sagen “aus dem System alles Kaputte herauszureissen”, hacken sie Millionen von Menschen, die als überflüssig für die Reproduktion des Kapitalismus gelten, zu Tode. Gleichzeitig bombardieren sie die Gesellschaft mit dummen Geschichten von “wirtschaftlicher Erholung” und “ein Weg für das Land aus dem Tunnel der Krise”, Geschichten, die die Armen, die Hungernden in diesem Land zu Gelächter und Empörung bringt.

Am 16. Juli fand eine Schlacht in Monastiraki statt. Ein ungleicher Kampf zwischen einem Revolutionär und zehn bewaffneten Hunden des Staates. Ein ungleicher Kampf, ebenso wie der Kampf für die Revolution in dieser historischen Zeit ungleich ist. Ein Kampf zwischen wenigen Revolutionären und einem Apparat, der bis an die Zähne bewaffnet ist und über sehr viele Leute verfügt.. Aber dieser Kampf, der revolutionäre Kampf, ist keine Frage der Zahlen. Er ist eine Frage der Seele. Es ist eine Frage des Glaubens an revolutionäre Gerechtigkeit. Eine Frage des Glaubens an die Revolution, der Bekämpfung eines mörderischen Systems, ein kriminelles System, das sich durch Ausbeutung reproduziert, durch Unterdrückung und sogar durch die physische Vernichtung von Menschen. Ein System, das sich durch Gewalt reproduziert. Die Gewalt der Wirtschaftspolitik, die Gewalt, die durch die wirtschaftliche und politische Elite ausgeübt wird, um das faule kapitalistische System am Leben zu erhalten, um ihre Interessen zu sichern und weiter zu dominieren.

Jeder einzelne von uns erlebt die Ergebnisse dieser Gewalt in den letzten vier Jahren, in denen sich das Land in den Wirren der Krise befindet, mit Millionen von Arbeitslosen und Gelegenheitsarbeitern, mit Armutslöhnen, mit der Transformation der Arbeit in Sklavenhandel, mit den schlechtesten Bedingungen von Lohnsklaverei, die jemals Menschen in diesem Land erlebten. Wir sehen die Ergebnisse der mörderischen Gewalt, in der Menschen hungern, die Unterernährung von Kindern, Krankheiten, Todesfälle und die ständig steigende Zahl von Selbstmorden. Wir sehen es, wenn Menschen ,die ihre Würde verloren haben, in Mülltonnen tauchen, um ein Stück Brot zu finden. Diese “versteckte” Gewalt des Systems in einer Systemkrise, wurde zu einer Massenvernichtungswaffe.

Es ist absolut richtig Ungerechtigkeit zu bekämpfen; ein System das einsperrt, prügelt, Menschen zweiter Klasse tötet, ob es nun um Widerstandskämpfer, Streikende und Demonstranten oder elende Migranten geht, die rohe Gewalt des repressiven Apparates, um die Ordnung zu wahren. Ein System, das zur Wahrung der “maximalen Sicherheit” Kerker erstellt, mit dem Zweck bewaffnete politische Kämpfer moralisch, psychologisch, auch physisch zu vernichten, um die Bereitschaft, einen bewaffneten revolutionären Kampf zu führen, zu zerstören. Ein System dem ein Gericht dient, das die Legitimation von allen Arten von staatlicher Gewalt (z.B. der Fall des Wracks in Farmakonisi, wo Offiziere der Küstenwache für das Ertrinken von MigrantInnen verantwortlich waren) aber auch die rassistische Gewalt gegen elende Arbeiter (zB Erdbeerproduzenten und ihre Vorarbeiter die für den mörderischen Angriff auf MigrantInnen, LandarbeiterInnen in Manolada) von ihrer Schuld freispricht. Darüber hinaus wird international, im Namen der Konsolidierung der neuen Weltordnung, durch Kriege gegen “Terrorismus”, die Vernichtung eines ganzen Volkes in Palästina legitimiert.

Der revolutionäre Kampf ist eine Frage des Glaubens an die Notwendigkeit der Bekämpfung der Unterdrücker; sich den wahren Verbrechern zuzuwenden, die wirklichen Terroristen und Mörder, die das System bilden, die Gewalt, die von ihnen ausgeübt wird. Denn nur durch den bewaffneten revolutionären Kampf, werden sie verstehen, dass sie nicht für immer unangetastet bleiben.

Vor allem ist revolutionärer Kampf eine Frage der tiefen und unnachgiebigen Überzeugung an revolutionäre Gerechtigkeit, die Gerechtigkeit für die Abschaffung jeder Form von Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung und für die Zerstörung des Staates und des Kapitalismus zu kämpfen. Für die Gerechtigkeit einer Gesellschaft der wirtschaftlichen Gleichheit, ohne reich und arm, ohne Herren und Sklaven. Die Gerechtigkeit einer Gesellschaft von wirklich freien Menschen.

In der Zeit, seit der revolutionäre Kampf aktiv ist, von 2003 bis heute, hat er einen starken bewaffneten Kampf gegen alle Formen der Gewalt des Establishments geführt. Ministerien, Gerichte, Polizei, Banken, Börsengebäude, die amerikanische Botschaft, die Bank von Griechenland waren Ziele der Organisation. Durch konsequentes Handeln hat der revolutionäre Kampf signifikante Antworten auf staatliche Gewalt, die Gewalt der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Elite, die Gewalt des Establishments gegeben, und hat nicht nur zur revolutionären Geschichte dieses Landes, sondern auch auf internationaler Ebene neue Kapitel geschrieben.

Der revolutionäre Kampf handelte und sprach mit Bezug auf die Wirtschaftskrise in Zeiten, in denen sich Schweigen über den Betrug des Establishments betreffend “die ewige Stabilität des Systems” und “die blühende griechische Wirtschaft” breitete. Später, mit dem Beginn der Krise, widerlegte die Organisation die dominanten Stimmen, die von der “starken und unangreifbaren griechischen Wirtschaft” sprachen, und auch die Wahrnehmungen, die mit der Regime-Propaganda durchtränkt waren, die nicht in der Lage sind, die Grösse des kommenden Sturmes zu erfassen.

Der revolutionäre Kampf sprach und handelte in Bezug auf die Revolution und die revolutionären sozialen Organisation in Zeiten, in denen diese Themen unter betrügerischer sozialer Wohlfahrt versteckt wurden. Er liess die Flamme der sozialen Revolution, die Flamme der Freiheit, brennen. Er beeinflusste, bestimmte, inspirierte viele Menschen, und formte und wird auch weiterhin das Bewusstsein formen.

Alles was hier gesagt wurde stellt eine ernsthafte politische Bedrohung für das Establishment dar. Der revolutionäre Kampf hat gekämpft, kämpft und wird weiterhin kämpfen. Für all das werde ich weiter kämpfen.




Pola Roupa, 8. August 2014

Nikos Maziotis vor dem Untersuchungshaftrichter

Die Mitglieder der revolutionären Kampf rechtfertigen sich nicht vor den Hunden des Staates. Rechtfertigen sollen sich die Diener der Reichen, diejenigen, welche das Volk beklauen. Diejenigen welche den grössten sozialen Raub der Geschichte begehen zu Gunsten des multinationalen Kapitals und der Gläubiger des Landes. Es ist heuchlerisch, dass mich diejenigen wegen versuchten Mordes und Banküberfällen anklagen, welche den grössten sozialen Völkermord der Geschichte des Landes begehen.

The members of Revolutionary Struggle do not justify themselves to the dogs of the state. The servants of the rich should justify themselves, those who steal from the people. Those who commit the biggest social robbery in history in favor of multinational capital and the creditors of the country. It is hypocritical that those aim to judge me for attempted murder and bank robberies who commit the largest social genocide of the history of this country.

Τα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα δεν απολογούνται στα σκυλιά του κράτους. Αυτοί που πρέπει να απολογουνται είναι οι υπηρέτες τον πλούσιων, αυτοί που ληστευουν το λαό, αυτοί που διαπράττουν τη μεγαλυτερη κοινωνική ληστεiα στην ιστορία προς όφελος του υπερεθνικού κεφαλαίου και τον δανειστών της χώρας. Είναι υποκρισία να με κατηγορούν για απόπειρες ανθρωποκτονίας και ληστεία τραπεζών αυτοί που διαπράττουν τη μεγαλυτερη κοινωνική γενοκτονία στην ιστορία της χώρας.

Les membres de Lutte Révolutionnaire ne se justifient pas devant les chiens de l’État. Ce sont les serviteurs des riches qui devraient se justifier, ceux qui volent au peuple. Ceux qui commettent le plus grand braquage social de l’histoire en faveur du capital multinational et des créditeurs du pays. Il est hypocrite que ceux qui tentent de me juger pour tentative de meurtre et braquages de banque soient ceux qui commettent le plus grand génocide social de l’histoire de ce pays.

Open letter of Revolutionary Struggle member Pola Roupa from clandestinity

On July 16th, 2014 the armed dogs of the establishment unleashed a fierce manhunt, and comrade Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, was hit by a cop’s bullet and fell covered in blood. The comrade gave his battle against the cops that were chasing him.

The state apparatus in its totality triumphed over the arrest of the “No 1 most-wanted fugitive” in the country. So did the criminal and real archi-terrorist Samaras, whose government took over the reins from the former pro-memorandum governments in a campaign for the biggest social genocide that has ever occurred in Greece in a time of “peace”. Samaras has used the arrest of Maziotis as a means to the stabilization of his faltering government, in order to support a political and economic regime with rotten foundations, which has long been discredited in social consciences.

For the political and economic regime, not only in Greece but also internationally, the arrest of a revolutionary with the political calibre of Nikos Maziotis is a “significant success”, as stated by the United States. That’s because the comrade’s arrest is perceived by our enemies as a blow to the struggle for the establishment’s subversion, as a blow to the struggle for liberation from the yoke of capitalism and the State, as a blow to the struggle for social Revolution. The size of threat that Maziotis poses to the establishment is reflected in the high-pitched nauseating rejoicing on the part of the domestic and foreign political power.

Because the comrade and the Revolutionary Struggle, the organization in which he belongs, are intrinsically linked to the systemic political destabilization, to the undermining of a rotten regime; linked to the consistent war against domination and contemporary barbarity; linked to the struggle for the overthrow of the State and capitalism, linked to the social Revolution itself. Comrade Nikos Maziotis was and continues to be committed to the Revolution. This is what he has fought for, this is was he still fights for; this is why they present him as No 1 danger to the establishment. Thus, the political gravity of this case should be the primary parameter in expressing solidarity with the comrade.

Currently, Maziotis is a prisoner of social and class war. It’s not fair that he is in prison. It would only be fair if he was free, fighting for social Revolution. It would only be fair if those who are responsible for the plight of the Greek people, those who voted for and implement the memoranda, were shackled instead of him and they stood people’s trials; the economic elite, the rich who suck the blood of proletarians, the political elite and their servants. It would be fair if Samaras, Venizelos, Papandreou, Papademos and their criminal organizations, the Troikans and the leaders of the European Union, were shackled in chains. The domestic and foreign bosses, for the economic interests of whom the land and the people who live in it are being ravaged. These are the real terrorists and robbers. These are the ruthless criminals and brutal murderers.

The cheering about the arrest was accompanied by the anticipated attacks of state propaganda, reproduced and largely created by the mouthpieces of Power, the mass media. Attacks that tried to stain the comrade’s revolutionary character and used the shootout in the area of Monastiraki as their banner, in which the comrade is portrayed as “unscrupulous gunslinger” who opens fire indiscriminately, while the cops “are striving to neutralize him” without the use of firearms. The cops supposedly fired a single bullet, and this was merely done to “neutralize” the comrade. How nauseating liars and hypocrites are they, both the state mechanisms and the kneelers who bow down to the regime in the news bulletins! “He was shooting amid the crowd.” Who chose the place for this battle? Who started the manhunt? Or, should Maziotis have dropped the weapon and surrender without a fight?

The cops consciously opted to conduct an armed clash in a crowded place. The comrade was obliged to defend himself. After they made one of the injured tourists, who stated he was shot by a cop, disappear from publicity as soon as possible, they declared again and again in the mainstream media that they fired only one bullet, while the comrade fired eight bullets. But upon mere suspicion that the man they were chasing may turn out to be Maziotis, they would open fire even with automatic machine guns not to let him get away. Because the stakes for them were of great political importance, and they didn’t care one bit if their operation was taking place among dozens of people, nor did it matter to them if some bystander would get killed. Besides, if that happened, they would blame the comrade for it. Who could ever refute them?

As for the ridiculous claims that they had supposedly tracked him down a few days ago, these were said in the context of state propaganda, not to admit that this was a purely random incident. And this is something that can also be seen in their contradictory reports. First, they claim that the comrade was recognized by a secret policewoman shortly before the shootout. Then, they claim that a former secret policeman had recognized him days before at a metro station. If it were true that they had tracked him down the previous days, they would have arrested us. A female snitch and a moment of bad luck gave way to the manhunt. But, again, they could not admit that the police chase started randomly. All of the propaganda about locating him beforehand was generated to publicly assert that the repressive mechanisms, and especially the “antiterrorist” force, are productive and effective. But this is too far from reality. In the whole previous period, we were continuously among them. We were moving everywhere. We were passing by them. We watched them, but they did not see us.

Since the arrest of my companion, I have become “No 1 most-wanted fugitive”; I and my child, about whom the regime’s men of straw in the mass media “inform” with excessive vulgarity, disclosing a lot of his personal data, and with a nauseating hypocrisy they simultaneously reward the prosecution mechanisms for their “sensitivity” not to release the child’s photograph to the public. From now on, the cops are going to sweep the country to find the child based on any clues that they might have. Other than that, my son is not wanted by authorities… And as one disgraceful police-minded journalist stated in the past, they were hoping to catch us through the child. Now, through the child, they wish to capture me.

They have my comrade heavily wounded in their hands. Their vindictiveness was something expected. To them it is not enough that they have Maziotis with an arm crushed by a bullet and in serious health condition; so, despite the fact that the necessity for close medical supervision and more surgeries was made public, they enforced his vindictive transfer to a prison known to not have doctors even for the most basic medical needs of prisoners. No doubt that, because of this transfer alone, his condition has deteriorated. I know firsthand what kind of prison transfers are imposed on armed combatants. When I was forced to be moved to another prison while I was pregnant, I ended up in hospital bleeding, and I was forced to stay bedridden to avoid having a miscarriage. It is obvious that they are afraid. They have the comrade in their hands with his arm crushed, and yet they are still afraid.

In what has to do with me: really, did they expect and still anticipate that I’m going to give myself up? I’m not going to do them this favor. Let them come and get me. In reality, my persecutors do not believe that I would do such a thing. That’s why they raided and searched the home of my family, interrogated my mother and sister looking for any clues, but in vain. Their statements in the media, that I find myself in a difficult position and it’s possible that I will hand myself in to authorities, are nothing more than an ultimate effort to inflict pressure. My persecutors know me. They got to know me on April 10th, 2010, when I was pregnant in their hands, and despite their ridiculous attempts to terrorize me, I didn’t even tell them my name; all they received from me was spitting. They are aware of my political stance during imprisonment, they know what political stance I maintained during the entire trial process. I was, I am and I will be a member of the Revolutionary Struggle. If they think they can bend me, they are grossly mistaken.

The arrest of our comrade was a blow. Our comrade Lambros Foundas shed his blood in the alleys of Dafni, and Nikos Maziotis in Monastiraki. The Revolutionary Struggle has given its blood for the cause of social Revolution. But our enemies will not have the last word.

There is still open ground for the Revolutionary Struggle. The social ground is ours, not theirs. For our enemies it is a hostile, wild ground which they can control only with violence. Every day the State and the Capital plunder, terrorize, murder, and exterminate in their attempt to save the establishment. In the name of “tearing out of the system all the rot” they hack to death millions of people that are considered superfluous for the reproduction of capitalism. At the same time, they bombard the society with stupid stories of “economic recovery” and “a way out of the country from the tunnel of crisis”; stories that make the poor, the hungry, the ragged in this country burst into laughter and indignation.

On the 16th of July a battle took place in Monastiraki. An unequal battle between a revolutionary and tens of armed dogs of the State. An unequal battle, just as the struggle for Revolution is unequal in this historical period. A struggle between few revolutionaries and an apparatus that is armed to the teeth and very large in numbers. It’s just that this struggle, the revolutionary struggle, is not a numerical question. It is a matter of soul. It is a matter of believing in revolutionary justness. A matter of believing in the Revolution. Of combating a murderous system, criminal by its very nature, reproduced through exploitation, oppression, and even the physical extermination of people. A system reproduced by violence. The violence of economic policy, the violence exercised by the economic and political elite to keep the rotten capitalist system alive, to ensure their interests, and to continue to dominate.

Every single one of us experience the results of this violence over the last four years that the country has been in the throes of crisis, with millions of unemployed and casual workers, with poverty wages, with the transformation of work in slave trade, with the worst conditions of wage slavery ever experienced by people in this country. We have seen and continue to see the results of this murderous violence in people’s hunger, malnutrition of children, starvations, sicknesses, deaths, and the ever increasing suicides. We see these results in dumpsters where humans-mice, with their dignity crushed, are diving for a piece of bread. This “concealed” violence of the system, amid a systemic crisis, has now become a weapon of mass destruction.

It is absolutely fair to fight injustice; to combat a system that is imprisoning, beating, killing second-class people, whether these are resisters, strikers and demonstrators or wretched migrants, with the raw violence of repressive mechanisms so as to consolidate the order. A system that is establishing “maximum security” dungeons with the primary purpose of annihilating the armed combatants politically, morally, psychologically, even physically, of crushing the willingness to wage an armed revolutionary struggle. A system served by a justice which requires the legitimization of all kinds of state violence (e.g. the case on the wreck in Farmakonisi, where Coast Guard officers were responsible for drowning migrants, is filed), but also the racist violence against wretched workers (e.g. strawberry producers and their foremen were acquitted for the murderous assault on migrant farm workers in Manolada). Moreover, internationally, in the name of consolidating the New World Order through wars against “terrorism”, the slaughter of an entire people in Palestine is being legitimized.

Revolutionary struggle is a matter of believing in the need of combating oppressors; of returning to the real criminals, the real terrorists and murderers who make up the system, a percentage of the violence which is perpetrated by them. Because only with armed revolutionary action they will be able to understand that they won’t stay forever untouched.

Most of all, revolutionary struggle is a matter of deep and unyielding belief in revolutionary justness, the righteousness of abolishing every form of exploitation and repression, and destroying the State and capitalism. The fairness of a society of economic equality, without rich and poor, without masters and slaves. The fairness of a society of truly free people.

In the period that the Revolutionary Struggle has been active, since 2003 to date, it has waged a forceful armed struggle against all forms of violence of the establishment which were mentioned above. Ministries, courts, police forces, banks, the stock exchange building, the American embassy, the Bank of Greece were targeted by the organization. Acting consistently, the Revolutionary Struggle has given significant responses to state violence, the violence of the economic and political elite, the violence of the establishment’s justice, and has written significant pages in the revolutionary history of this land, but also at international level.

The Revolutionary Struggle acted and spoke with regards to the economic crisis in times when silence spread over the establishment’s fraud of “eternal stability of the system” and “flourishing Greek economy”. Later, with the onset of the crisis, the organization refuted all of the dominant voices that spoke of “fortified and unassailable Greek economy,” but also the swallow perceptions, impregnated with the regime’s propaganda, that were unable to grasp the magnitude of the coming storm.

The Revolutionary Struggle spoke and acted with regards to the Revolution and the revolutionary social organization in times when these issues were buried beneath the mold of fraudulent social welfare. It kept and continues to keep the flame of social Revolution, the flame of freedom, alive. It marked, determined, inspired many people, and shaped and continues to shape consciences.

For all of the aforementioned, it has posed, poses and will pose a serious political threat to the establishment. The Revolutionary Struggle has fought, fights and will fight for all of the aforementioned. For all that, I will continue to fight.


Pola Roupa, August 8th, 2014

Source: contra info

Brief von Gülaferit Ünsal zum Solidaritätshungerstreik

Hallo ,

Ich habe einen dreitägigen Hungerstreik (18.-20. Juli) in Solidarität mit den griechischen Gefangenen gemacht. Isolation ist Folter.

Ich selber bin in einer Isolationszelle seit 2 Jahren und 3 Monaten. Ich
verstehe sehr gut die Situation der griech. Gefangenen. Ich war auch in griechischem Knast. Ich kenne die Bedingungen der griech. Gefangenen.
Du kennst die F-Typ Gefängnisse in der Türkei. 7-jähriges Todesfasten gegen Isolationszellen in der Türkei, gegen die F-Typ Gefängnisse. 122 Menschen sind gestorben im Widerstand gegen die F-Typ Gefängnisse.
Ich möchte kein neues Massaker irgendwo auf dieser Welt. Aber, Imperialismus & Faschismus wollen immer neue Massaker auf der Welt. Die Isolation ist eine kapitalistische Politik. Es steht nicht nur im Zusammenhang mit den Gefängnissen. Es entzieht einem das Gehirn. 7 Jahre
Todesfasten hat der ganzen Welt gezeigt, dass dies unmöglich ist. Jeder sollte Widerstand gegen die Isolation zeigen. Jeder kann es tun. Es ist möglich!
Dann noch eine andere Entwicklung. Mörder Israel hat Gaza bebommt. Ein Massaker in Palästina!
19.07.14: Israel tötete 260 Menschen
20.07.14: mehr als 350
30.000 Menschen sind in UN-Schulen. Sie warte auf Hilfe. Israel tötet Kinder und Frauen, Zivilisten.

Muhammed Ramiz Bkir – 9 Jahre alt
Ahid Bekir – 10 Jahre alt
Zekariya Bekir – 10 Jahre alt
Ismaiz Muhammed Bekir – 11 Jahre alt

Alle sind Brüder einer Familie.

Die Kinder haben in der Nähe des Meeres gespielt. Israelische Soldaten bombten 2 mal.
Die erste Bombe kam, als die Kinder lebten. Die zweite kam nur 30 Sekunden später, als die Kinder schon rannten. Israel tötete sie. Israel tötete viele Kinder. Ich protestiere gegen den Mörder Israel. Mein Herz schlägt für Palästina.

Wieso sind alle politische Gefangenen in Isolationszellen?

Das kapitalistische System möchte, dass wir nicht über andere Menschen nachdenken, dass wir die Schmerzen anderer Menschen nicht spüren.
Doch wir (ich bin) sind Menschen. Wir haben ein Herz und ein Gehirn. Wir fühlen, denken und können sehen. Isolationszellen können das nicht verhindern.
Grüße – Gülaferit Ünsal


Update zu Nikos Maziotis

Wie ihr wisst wurde NM am 16. Juli nach einer Zufallskontrolle verhaftet, nachdem er am Arm angeschossen wurde.

Vom allerersten Moment an versuchten die bürgerlichen Medien den Genossen als “soziale Bedrohung” darzustellen sowie die politischen Aktionen des Revolutionären Kampf zu desavouieren.  In Wahrheit hat N. Maziotis mit der Waffe in der Hand sein Leben und seine Freiheit verteidigt. Die Medien und die Polizei versuchten eine gekünstelte Version der Ereignisse zu wiedergeben in der NM wahllos um sich schoss und das Leben von Umstehenden gefährdete – was weit entfernt von der Realität ist. Sofort begannen intensive Ermittlungen und Durchsuchungen von Häusern von GenossInnen und eine Grossfahndung nach Pola Roupa wurde eröffnet, die nach wie vor nicht verhaftet ist. Nikos Maziotis Gesundheitszustand ist ok und ungefähr Mitte September wird er wissen, ob er noch weitere Operationen an seinem Arm braucht. Er ist von den bisherigen Operationen stark erschöpft und nimmt starke Medikamente um Infekte abzuwehren.

Nach einer kurzen Einweisung im Evangelismus Spital wurde er ins Knastspital in Korydallos (Athen) transferiert. Danach wurde er in einem Racheakt zum Diavata Gefängnis in Thessaloniki gebracht, wo es keine genügende Infrastruktur gibt, um seine medizinische Situation zu überwachen und die Kommunikation allgemein schwierig ist.

Dennoch ist er guter Dinge und ungebrochen. Er anerkennt die Polizei und die Justizbehörden nicht und hat sich entsprechend nicht entschuldigt. Er sagte bloss er sei Revolutionär und dass MitgliederInnen des Revolutionären Kampf sich nicht bei den Hunden des Staats entschuldigen. Seine Präsenz und Logik werden Fürsprecher für die bewaffnete revolutionäre Aktion und den Revolutionären Kampf im Speziellen sein. Er wird festhalten, dass es lediglich die Fortsetzung des Kampfes war, welche ihn und Pola Roupa in die Illegalität trieben.

Seit dem Tag seiner Verhaftung gab es verschiedene Solidaritätsaktionen, es gab Gegeninformationen betreffend der Situation und derartige Bemühungen gehen weiter. Im August werden wir allgemein auf medizinische Aspekte eingehen und darauf hinarbeiten, dass er zurück nach Korydallos kommt. Im späten August oder frühen September wird er selber ein politisches Statement veröffentlichen. Bitte beachtet, dass er in den nächsten Monaten nicht schreiben kann.

Wir werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten.

Update on N. Maziotis

As you will know on July 16 after a random check, NM was arrested after a gunshot injury to his arm.

From the first moment the bourgeois media attempted to present the comrade as a “social threat” and to devalue the political action of Revolutionary Struggle. In reality N.Maziotis defended his life and his freedom with gun in hand. The media and the police tried to project a manufactured version of events where NM was shooting indiscriminately endangering the lives of bystanders, which is far from reality. Immediately after intense investigations and searches of comrades’ houses begun and a manhunt was organized for Pola Roupa who escapes capture. Nikos Maziotis’ health status is out of danger and around the middle of September he will know if further surgery on his arm is required. He is exhausted from the surgery and takes strong medication for the risk of infection.

After a brief hospitalization in Evangelismos hospital, he was transferred to the prison hospital in Korydallos (Athens) and then, purely vindictively, he was transferred to the Diavata prison in Thessaloniki, where there isn’t the necessary infrastructure to monitor his medical situation and communication is difficult .

Despite this he still has very high morale and is in a good mood. He does not recognize the police and judicial authorities and therefore did not apologize. All he said was that he is a revolutionary and that members of the Revolutionary Struggle do not apologize to the dogs of the state. His presence and reasoning will be advocacy of armed revolutionary action and Revolutionary Struggle in particular. He will support that it was solely the continuation of the struggle that led
him and Pola Roupa to flee and go underground.

Since the day of his arrest there have been several movements of solidarity, there has been counter-information in relation to the events and efforts continue. Generally for August we will prioritize medical issues and attempts to bring him back to Korydallos. In late August or early September will himself issue a political statement. Note that for the next few months he will not be capable to write.

We will keep you informed of any developments.

Ahmet Yüksel zum Soli-HS für die griech. Gefangenen

Antrag an die JVA Düsseldorf vom 18. 7. 2014

Thema: Solidaritätshungerstreik vom 18. bis 20. Juli

Sehr geehrte Frau Direktorin,

wie Sie wissen, wurde ich als Gefangener in Griechenland nach Deutschland

Nach neusten Erkenntnissen sind seit dem 23. Juni in den griechischen
Gefängnissen 4500 soziale und politische Gefangene im Hungerstreik. Ihnen droht
Isolationshaft, worüber das Parlament zur Zeit neue Gesetzesänderungen berät.

Auch ich war zwischen 2006 und 2010 in verschiedenen JVA´s der BRD in Isolation,
u. a. in Stuttgart-Stammheim.

Ich kenne deshalb aus eigener Erfahrung die Wirkung dieser Haftbedingungen.
Daher weiß ich auch, wie schwierig es ist, die Menschenrechte gegen diese
Bedingungen einzuhalten.

Deshalb werde ich vom 18. – 20. Juli einen Hungerstreik führen, um ein
deutliches Zeichen gegen Isolation zu setzen. 3 Tage werde ich außer Zucker,
Tee, Salz und Wasser nichts essen und trinken.

Ich hoffe, das Sie und die Justiz Verständnis für meinen Hungerstreik an diesen
Tagen aufbringen werden.

Ich bin Jurist und verteidige die Menschenrechte.

Ich möchte Sie daran erinnern, das zwischen 2000 und 2007 122 Menschen, die auch
zum Teil meine Mandaten waren, starben, weil sie einen Hungerstreik gegen die
Isolation durchführten.

Ich sehe das als eine humane Aufgabe an, an diesem Hungerstreik teilzunehmen.

Ich werde dieses Schreiben auch meinen Anwalt sowie der Öffentlichkeit zukommen

Ahmet Düzgün Yüskel


Die Gesetze zur Isolationshaft sind inzwischen verabschiedet worden und die
Gefangenen in Griechenland haben den Hungerstreik erst einmal ausgesetzt.

Zum Streik schrieb er: “Meinen Soli-Streik konnte ich ohne Probleme durchführen.”