Tag Archives: Revolutionärer Kampf

Griechenland: Urteil im fünten Revolutionary Struggle Prozess

Betrifft den Fluchtversuch von Pola Roupa mit dem Hubschrauber am
21.2.2016, die Enteignung von Banken (Piraeus im Sotiria Krankenhaus und
die Nationalbank von Malesina), den Besitz von Waffen und Sprengstoff:

Die aktuelle Entscheidung des fünften Prozesses gegen den Revolutionary
Struggle stimmte komplett mit den Forderungen der Staatsanwaltschaft
überein. Die Mitglieder*innen des Revolutionary Struggle, Pola Roupa und
Nikos Maziotis, wurden in allen Anklagepunkten (versuchte
Flugzeugentführung, Entführung, Drohungen und Gewalt gegen den Piloten,
Störung des Luftverkehrs, Enteignung von Banken, Besitz von Waffen und
Sprengstoff, Fälschung usw.) verurteilt – Pola zu 120 Jahren Haft mit
einer Zusammenlegung der Haftstrafen zu 65 Jahren und der Gefährte
Maziotis zu 37 Jahren Haft mit einer Zusammenlegung der Haftstrafen zu
24 Jahren wegen des Vorwurfs der versuchten Flucht.

Kostantina Athanasopoulou und Charalambidis wurden wegen Teilnahme am
revolutionären Kampf, der Enteignung der Nationalbank von Malesina und
anderer Handlungen (Diebstahl, Fälschung, Waffen und Waffen) verurteilt
– Konstantina zu 60 Jahren, zusammengelegt zu 35,5 Jahren Haft und
Charalambidis zu 58 Jahren, zusammengelegt zu 34,5 Jahren Haft.

Die anderen Angeklagten wurden, wie ebenfalls von der Staatsanwaltschaft
gefordert, von allen Anklagepunkten freigesprochen

Quelle: act for freedom, übersetzt von abc wien

[Griechenland] Urteil im fünten Revolutionary Struggle Prozess

Greece: Conclusions and Political Importance of the Judgement of the Second Revolutionary Struggle Trial

The Court of Appeal of the 2nd trial of Revolutionary Struggle, which began in October 2017 and was completed on May 10, 2019 with a central political affair against the Bank of Greece (ECB) and the IMF, is the culmination of the political defense of its action by Revolutionary Struggle in Judicial Proceedings. It involved two expropriations of the Banks that had been taken over by the Revolutionary Struggle, one that did not concern the organization, as well as the interference with policemen in Monastiraki by Nikos Maziotis, which resulted in his arrest in July 2014.

The sentences imposed (life and 129 years for Maziotis, life and 25 for Roupa) by the judges; through their arguments, their attitude and their decisions on the penalties, all the hostility of the state apparatus was directed against the Revolutionary Struggle. And more specifically, political hostility toward a central attack against the Troika and the status of the “memoranda.” This hostility – in addition to our persistence to continue the action of the Revolutionary Struggle against the rescue plans and the social genocide policies that accompanied them, which we expressed through “illegality” and canceling the repressive power of the state towards us – was the result of the stupid attitude… [that accepted] “as inevitable and absolutely necessary” for the orderly and uninterrupted continuation of the operation of the state and the economic status of the Loan Conventions (“memoranda”), in spite of all the tribulations (they knew that will bring) to the majority of society. The attitude of intolerance to every strong and firm resistance to the “monumental” enslavement is particularly intense since the reactions of society have been silenced.

“Politically unaffected justice” in unthinkable since in its form and manner it is an inseparable pillar of the complex of modern power. As for the influence of the political conjuncture on the judicial and legislative functions, we have made special references to our trials, cutting the political crime into different political periods of modern history, that is to say, its recognition and its pretentious treatment in past times up to total refusal to accept the existence of a political opponent in the contemporary representative system of political power… In our time, political “crime” is the most expensive and what demands the hardest possible treatment by the judiciary… which ultimately implies the maximum possible penalties…

While all of these courts state that their “mission” is “the strict application of criminal law provisions,” the two courts of first instance have shown that the attitude of the court – and individual judge – is impossible not to be a political position against the political and social essence of the act – and more specifically the attack on the Treasury – the IMF…

In some cases there is also a direct political intervention by the executive in court. In our case… politically charged interventions [were made] by state superpowers (including Maziotis being placed in the international list of “terrorists” by the USA) while being a prisoner in 2015. All this war effort of the regime against us includes the extreme response that our 6-year-old child had in 2017 at the time of the arrest of Pola Roupa, who was subjected to a unique regime of exclusion and revenge…

Our persistence in the political positions, objectives and choices of Revolutionary Struggle, of which we defended with greater emphasis and determination than ever before, was seen as an “inappropriate” attitude to deal with primary punishments… Especially… with the universal abandonment of any political value given in previous years to the armed action and the effort to show it as a “right political attitude of solidarity,” the abandonment of those who insist on their political choices after conception. And of course, all of this is inherent in an environment of political defeatism and the effort to “ground” the counter-action in a context that does not exceed the limits of the “criminality” critique of the system. And above all, in an environment where the revolutionary project [is considered] ‘outdated’ and ‘out of time,’ a position that confirms the absolute power of the system. That is, in a climate [that is hostile] to the action of the Revolutionary Struggle and its defense in the courts.

Once again in the Court of Appeal of the Second Revolutionary Struggle trial, we deliberately refused to succumb to the dominant (seemingly and only) political climate and make a trial where all of this would be overturned. We chose to better organize our civilian defense, make it more intrusive, highlight more aspects of our organization and the particular attack, and fight the criminal outcome… in a more organized political way. And a more – we would say – absolutely revolutionary way.

And it is in our trials that we have more extensively analyzed the… necessity of the reversal of the regime, the necessity of the social revolution…

Any further reduction of sentences – or the exemption from more accusations – would be an explicit political differentiation of the court from the regime’s political framework, which we knew was not going to happen, while the decision as it stood constituted a subtle differentiation in terms of political treatment… This result, as expected – and as it has been in another trial – particularly in the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle – “compelled” accusations and penalties for the other defendants. This is because an “application of proportionality” is observed among defendants who are politically defending the actions being tried by the others.

The strategy of this trial has worked towards the transformation of the trials that we have done so far, since we have put a lot of additional strengths beyond the defense policy in the way we did in other trials. To a great extent, this strategy can be distinguished in the third trial of the Revolutionary Struggle… In a more complete form, however, it was presented to the organization’s appeal court. The peculiarity of our political attitude in this court concerns the maximal use of status quoes, arguments, movements, analyzes that advocated and ultimately supported – and even confirmed – our claim and firm allegation of Revolutionary Struggle since its founding: for the revolutionary road as the only way out of the major social impasse of our time.

The Social Revolution emerged from Revolutionary Struggle with greater emphasis than ever before as a unique value and direction, especially during the crisis. However, this prospect has been put forward by the very first proclamation of Revolutionary Struggle as the only way out of a system that brutalizes societies and which… [will] become unsustainable for the social majorities that will be crushed by economic violence and their socio-political depreciation. We have pointed out this direction not only as a proclamation, but by focusing on an attempt to prove that the Social Revolution is a one-way street. Proof that could only be framed by the standing position of the Revolutionary Struggle as expressed and analyzed through the announcements of the organization and the texts from the prison in 2010-2011. Of course, political advocates of our organization, positions and strategy have been the witnesses of political defense in our trial…

Revolutionary Struggle attacked two of the three institutions that deprived the majority of Greek society and was charged with the political law against this attack, the only attack that had taken place at that time and was directly directed against the dictatorship of loan contracts and the supranational institutions that have imposed them…

To the question of “if the overthrow of the regime and the social revolution is not the appropriate response to the modern impasse of capitalism, the crisis, modern economic and political tyranny, then what is?” the silence is over. The demonstration of the impasse of a diffuse, non-strategic subversive social resistance project, emerged in the streets. And as a relentless implication of these historical facts, the necessity of forming a political-social front with a clear direction of the regime’s overthrow and social revolution emerges. Revolutionary Struggle with the choice of armed action introduced the above data long before their necessity from the historical development proved itself. And we in court have shown the consistency of the organization from its establishment to the attack on the Bank and the IMF, but also after it. Armed action and struggle proves to be the right political choice…

Revolutionary Struggle and we as persons have always attempted to develop the material conditions for the implementation of a Social Revolution. The project of the federal system of political and social organization that we have always advocated as the most appropriate model of revolutionary social reconstruction was originally drawn from the revolutionary history itself. But the modern version of the Confederacy in Rojava – Northern Syria – the revolution of our time – was a catalytic claim to prove that the proposal of the Social Revolution today is realistic. Thus, the Revolution in Rojava became the absolute factor in the evidence of the realism of revolutions in our time. Because this is the most decisive of all evidence. Evidence that it is a shame to stay in the cold courtroom, as it cannot be linked to the social reality here, in other words, to the social and political history of this place.

We did not have any delusions, of course, that the court would accept our political allegations, the legal demands we had made, and dispose of the accusations. However, given the harsh political context surrounding us and the political dynamics it creates within the courts, the result has been the subtle controversy of the predominant discourse regarding the essence, motives, and goals of the action of the Revolutionary Struggle…

If we can say that a conclusion drawn from this trial is useful today, it is that in the difficult times we live in the absence of widespread social resistance, with the provocative abandonment by many of the revolutionary struggle [in exchange for] painless protest against systemic extremes (even if this struggle is projected to be subversive) by accepting as regularity the most extreme form of serfdom imposed on the social majority through the “debt economy,” with solidarity degenerating into a case of personal interests, political assaults on repression make it possible “to unleash the fighters from the nails of the state,” finally accepting as inappropriate the regime’s policy of aggression against armed revolutionary action and – above all – against those who insist, do not step back, to support the correctness of the strategy of armed revolutionary action as an inseparable part of the widespread subversive struggle, through the stifling political wall of criminal repression, and in the face of long-term imprisonment – and beyond any legal calculation – is that “sometimes,” the substantial and non-discouraged political defense of armed revolutionary action in the courts, and to the extent that this defense manages to “ground” it on the central political and social issues and to refute effectively the dominant policy, may eventually repel, halt, reverse the merciless state attack on armed fighters.

But beyond and above all, our goal in this trial was beside the political defense of the action of the Revolutionary Struggle, the political justification of each action and the emergence of its importance within its historical context was to demonstrate the profound social necessity of the Social Revolution, the fact that it is the only way to overcome the social deadlock brought about by modern tyranny of the state and capital.

Pola Roupa – Nikos Maziotis, members of Revolutionary Struggle

From: https://mpalothia.net/symperasmata-kai-politiki-simasia-tis-apofasis-toy-efeteioy/


Greece: Update on the Fourth Trial of Revolutionary Struggle

On Monday 03.12.18 at 9AM, the 4th trial of Revolutionary Struggle continues in the Korydallos Prison Court for cases of ‘theft’ attributable to the organization with the employees of banks appearing as witnesses.

Originally published by Athens Indymedia. Translated by Anarchists Worldwide.

Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.

As you might have noticed we published several articles from Anarchists Worldwide.  You will find all articles by Anarchists Worldwide we have published here. Soon the comrades will have their own blog but you can already follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

On Monday 03.12.18 at 9AM, the 4th trial of Revolutionary Struggle continues in the Korydallos Prison Court for cases of ‘theft’ attributable to the organization with the employees of banks appearing as witnesses.

The prosecution have combined around 9 cases of bank expropriation (dating from 2008-2015) carried out by Revolutionary Struggle with the aim of depoliticizing the organization and deconstructing their actions by adding additional charges and convictions.

Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis have previously assumed political responsibility for the bank expropriations that were carried out to finance and continue the actions of the organization.

In this trial, those who are accused of involvement or are being investigated for the expropriations are accused of violating Article 187P.K for membership of a criminal organization as well as 187A for financing a criminal organization. Those being accused and judged in the first instance are: N. Maziotis – member of Revolutionary Struggle, Maria Theofilou, G. Petrakakos, Themistocles and Fotis Assimakapolulos, Marios Seisidis, Kostas Sakkas, Panagiotis Argyros, Grigoris Tsironis and Spyros Christodoulou (During an EKAM / Special Counter-Terrorist Unit operation, Spyros Dravillas shot and killed himself before he could be arrested. Spyros Christodoulou, G. Petrakakos and Grigoris Tsironis were arrested during the same operation).

The next hearing is scheduled for 12.12.18.

(This is a roughly summarized translation by Anarchists Worldwide of information that was originally posted in the Greek language on Athens Indymedia and in the Spanish language on the Instinto Salvaje website)

Anarchists Worldwide on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnarchistsWW

Anarchists Worldwide on FB: https://www.facebook.com/worldwideanarchists/

Anarchists Worldwide blog coming soon!


Griechenland: Pola Roupa zu lebenslänglich + 25 Jahren verurteilt

Das Urteil im Prozess gegen Pola Roupa, Militante des Revolutionären Kampf, wegen den Angriffen gegen die Griechische Nationalbank und die Büros des Internationalen Währungsfonds in Athen in 2014 ist gefällt worden. Es lautet lebenslange Haft plus 25 Jahre wegen “Führung einer terroristischen Organisation” und “physische Anstiftung” zur Umsetzung der Aktionen. Dieser Prozess weist zwei Elemente auf, die ihn im Vergleich zu den vorhergehenden “Anti-Terror” Prozessen in Griechenland unterscheiden.

Gemäss dem Ankläger wäre der Angriff, welcher die Front der Griechischen Nationalbank zerstörte, total geglückt und hätte der Sprengstoff das ganze Gebäude schlicht und ergreifend zerstört, wenn die Wache nicht Zeit gehabt hätte, die metallenen Storen zu senken. Daraus hätte der Zusammenbruch des griechischen Bankensystems resultieren können und – angesichts des Zeitpunkts der Aktion – ein Zusammenbruch des griechischen Wirtschaftssystems. Es ist das erste Mal, bei dem ein Staatsanwalt die möglichen Folgen der Aktionen des Revolutionären Kampf derart anerkennt (ein Minister hatte dies zuvor bereits im Rahmen eines Interviews getan). Üblicherweise negieren die Staatsanwälte bei solchen Prozessen sämtliche politischen Folgen bewaffneter Aktionen (effektive wie tatsächliche) und diese Negierung ist die Grundlage auf welcher die Einschätzung als “politisches Verbrechen”, welche durch die griechische Verfassung vorgesehen wird, ruht.

Die zweite Neuerung in diesem Prozess ist, dass der Staatsanwalt die Verurteilung von Pola Roupa wegen dieser beiden Aktionen nicht wegen ihrer persönlichen Beteiligung erreicht hat, sondern als “Anführerin” des Revolutionären Kampf und “Anstifterin” zu diesen Aktionen.

Quelle: https://secoursrouge.org/Grece-Pola-Roupa-condamnee-a-la-prison-a-vie-25-ans

Griechenland: Prozesse gegen Mitglieder des Revolutionären Kampf laufen weiter

In Athen laufen die Prozesse gegen Mitglieder des Revolutionären Kampf weiter. Einer davon betrifft die Verfolgung von Pola Roupa wegen des Angriffs gegen die Griechische Nationalbank und des Angriffs gegen das Büro des Internationalen Währungsfonds in Athen. Der Staatsanwalt beschuldigt Pola nicht der direkten Beteiligung, sondern der “moralischen Verantwortung” für dise Angriffe aufgrund ihrer Rolle in der Organisation Revolutionärer Kampf und weil Nikos Maziotis an den Angriffen beteiligt war. Diese Form der Anklage ist eine juristische Premiere in Griechenland. Das Urteil wird am 11. Juli erwartet.


Grèce : Tentative de meurtre à la prison de Korydallos contre Nikos Maziotis

Nikos Maziotis, prisonnier de l’organisation Lutte Révolutionnaire, a été l’objet d’une agression aux intentions manifestement homicides de la part d’un gang de prisonniers. Ceux-ci se sont présentés à dix dans sa cellule et, après avoir lui avoir demandé, “c’est toi Maziotis qui joue aux durs ?”, l’on agressé. Maziotis, qui était en grand état de faiblesse en raison de la grève de la faim de 36 jours qu’il venait de terminer (voir notre article), a résisté à l’agression mais n’a dû son salut qu’à l’intervention rapide et solidaire des prisonniers turcs et kurdes détenus dans la même aile. Nikos a été blessé à la tête, aux côtes et à l’abdomen et a dû être transféré à l’hôpital de la prison. Nikos ne connaissait pas ses assaillants.

Nikos Maziotis

Nikos Maziotis


Greece: Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis End Hunger Strike Following Satisfaction of their Demands

This Monday, December 18, after he was discharged from the hospital at Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis was transferred to Unit 5 and is no longer under special detention / isolation regime. Therefore since our demands regarding our imprisonment have been met, Pola Roupa has terminated the hunger strike and will stay for a few days in the Korydallos Prison hospital to recuperate.

Our struggle does not end here. Article 11 and the fascist provisions of the new prison code in general are still ahead of us. We will not remain idle. The fight continues. The solidarity of comrades outside the walls was and is decisive. Strength to everyone.

Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, members of Revolutionary Struggle

(via Mpalothia, translated by Insurrection News)

*Note from Insurrection News: Nikos stopped his hunger strike temporarily when he was transferred to Unit 5, when he learned that the authorities stuck to their promise that he would no longer be under special detention regime, he ended his hunger strike.


Update on the Hunger Strike of Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis

*UPDATE* December 15, 2017

Due to muscular and physical weakness, Nikos Maziotis is now only able to move using a wheelchair. This information was provided by comrades in solidarity who maintain continuous telephone communication with the comrades of Revolutionary Struggle who are still in the prison hospital of Korydallos, of course, refusing any medical treatment.


December 14, 2017

So far, both political prisoners / hunger strikers are in the Korydallos prison hospital. Their health is at a critical point, while the health of Nikos Maziotis is more serious. As they have already stated, they refuse any medical treatment and in practice reject the illegal prosecution order for involuntary hospitalization.

There is no progress in satisfying the request that Nikos Maziotis be released from isolation or the request for the withdrawal of Article 11 from the new fascist provisions to the prison code.

The comrades relentlessly continue their hunger strike until the end.

We informed the 2 hunger strikers about the actions of solidarity that have taken place in Patras, Heraklion, Karditsa, Komotini, Volos etc – and the various ways this solidarity has manifested itself (texts, speak-outs, banners, occupations, incendiary actions etc). Strength to all comrades who are in any way expressing their solidarity.

In Athens, on Saturday, 16.12.17 at 16:00 there will be a open mic / speak out in Monastiraki and then a march in solidarity with the hunger strikers and the prisoner’s struggle against the penitentiary code in general. The march is organized by the Assembly of Solidarity with Struggle of the Prisoners Against the New Prison Code.

We call on all comrades, political collectives, hangouts, squats, assemblies etc to support the march.

*Quelle: https://insurrectionnewsworldwide.com/2017/12/15/greece-update-on-the-hunger-strike-of-revolutionary-struggle-prisoners-pola-roupa-and-nikos-maziotis/

Athen: Pola Roupa und Nikos Maziotis setzen ihren Hungerstreik im Koridallos Gefängnis fort

Am 5. Dezember 2017 wurden die Mitglieder des Revolutionären Kampfes
Pola Roupa und Nikos Maziotis gewaltsam aus dem Gefängnis von Koridallos
entfernt und unfreiwillig in das Allgemeine Staatl. Krankenhaus von
Nikaia eingeliefert. Der Gefängnisanwalt drängte die Ärzte dazu, die
beiden Hungerstreikenden zwangsernähren zu lassen. Die Krankenhausärzte
verweigerten es, die Gefangenen gegen ihren Willen zu behandeln und
berichteten nur, dass Nikos Maziotis 14.6% seines ursprünglichen
Körpergewichts verloren hat und Pola Roupa 12.8%.

Am 6. Dezember (am 26. Tag ihres Hungerstreiks) wurden Roupa und
Maziotis dann aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen und beide kehrten zurück ins
Koridallos Gefängnis. Sie haben sich entschlossen, ihren Hungerstreik
fortzusetzen, bis ihre Forderungen erfüllt sind (unter anderem fordern
sie eine Verlängerung der Besuchszeiten ihres sechs Jahre alten Kindes).

Maziotis wurde informiert, dass er in einem abgetrennten
Disziplinartrakt im Untergeschoss des Koridallos Frauengefängnisses
verlegt werde, bis die Schäden in der Isolationsabteilung B im Keller
des Frauengefängnisses Koridallos behoben sind. Das bedeutet, dass der
Gefährte dafür bestraft wird, dass er den Isolationshaftflügel, in dem
er für mehr als fünf Monaten untergebracht ist, vollständig zerstört hat
jetzt noch furchtbareren Bedingungen, als den bisherigen, ausgesetzt ist.


Athens, Greece: Involuntary hospitalization of Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa

Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa are on hunger strike since November 11th 2017.

The two imprisoned comrades are fighting against isolation measures; against specific provisions of the new correctional code aimed at repressing them as high-security prisoners; against the proposed detention of high-security prisoners in police stations; against the intended reinstatement of the type C prison regime. They also demand an immediate end of the solitary confinement imposed on Nikos Maziotis (since July, the comrade is kept isolated from other prisoners by a decision of the justice ministry); an extension of visiting hours based on the frequency of visits a prisoner has; appropriate visitation rooms for incarcerated parents to meet with their children.

They made it clear from the outset that they only receive water. They have repeatedly asked to be granted unhindered phone communication with their six-year-old son before being transferred from Koridallos prisons to any hospital.

On December 2nd, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were transferred to a hospital outside the prisons due to the deterioration of their health condition. However, the next day both comrades asked to be sent back to the prisons because eventually they were not permitted unhindered phone communication with their child.

On December 4th, Nikos Maziotis burned and destroyed the B’ isolation section in the basement of Koridallos women’s prison, where he has been held in solitary confinement for 5 months. He was then moved to the prison infirmary because of the fumes, and was threatened with further isolation – this time in a disciplinary unit of Koridallos prisons.

In the early hours of December 5th, hunger strikers Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were forcibly transferred outside Koridallos prisons. The prison prosecutor ordered their involuntary hospitalization. They are currently being kept at the General State Hospital of Nikaia, both threatened with force-feeding. As of yet, the hospital doctors have not succumbed to the prosecutor’s order.

Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa continue their hunger strike. They have stated they will not accept serum, and will act against involuntary treatment and force-feeding (torture) in every possible way.

Athens, Greece: Involuntary hospitalization of Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa