Tag Archives: YPG

Deutschland: Razzia wegen kurdischer Fahne

Von Nick Brauns

München. Die bayerische Polizei hat am frühen Donnerstag morgen unter Beteiligung bewaffneter Beamter zwei Wohnungen linker Aktivisten in München durchsucht und Computer beschlagnahmt. Anlass war ein vermeintlicher Verstoß gegen das Vereinsgesetz. Einer der Beschuldigten soll auf Facebook das Bild einer Fahne der syrisch-kurdischen Volksverteidigungseinheiten YPG veröffentlicht haben. Nach Ansicht der Staatsanwaltschaft handelt es sich dabei um »eine verbotene Fahne der Nachfolgeorganisation der Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans« PKK.



In Spanien wurden internationalistische Revolutionäre festgenommen, weil sie in Rojava gegen die Banden der ISIS gekämpft haben.

Die spanische Polizei hat am 26. Januar in Städten wie Bilbao, Valencia und Madrid in mindesten 11 Wohnungen und Betrieben Durchsuchungen durchgeführt und 9 Personen, darunter eine Person mit türkischer Staatsangehörigkeit, festgenommen.

Das spanische Innenministerium hat bekanntgegeben, dass diese Operation gegen die “PKK und die ihr nahestehende YPG” gerichtet ist. Man behauptet, dass die Festgenommenen Mitglieder der Marxistisch Leninistisch Kommunistischen Wiederaufbauorganisation seien und in Rojava gegen die IS-Banden gekämpft hätten.

Die Solidarität mit der Rojava Revolution, mit der Selbstverwaltung, ist die Umsetzung des Internationalismus aus dem Wortlaut in die Praxis. Rojava ist der Platz, wo die Solidarität und der Internationalismus in die Tat umgesetzt werden. Die Weiterentwicklung dieser Revolution und des Kampfes gegen die ISIS-Banden, gegen diese religiösen Faschisten ist die Aufgabe jedes Menschen, der für Freiheit und Demokratie, gegen Faschismus und Unterdrückung ist. Die Rojava Revolution hat somit ihren Einfluss auch in Spanien gezeigt. Die Angst vor der Rojava Revolution wuchs über die Grenzen des Mittleren Ostens hinaus.

Verstärken wir unsere Solidarität mit den festgenommenen internationalistischen Revolutionären!

Verstärken wir das Internationalistische Freiheitsbataillon!

Hoch die internationale Solidarität!

YPG: Statement by Kobani Command (June 28, 2015)

KOBANI, Rojava – In the small hours of June 25, 2015, a group of terrorists consisted of 80-100 striker elements penetrated into northern part of the city of Kobane with the aim of completing a brutal massacre against civilian population, including elderly, women and children.

This group of terrorists had crossed into Kobani region from the Sarrin area (southern Kobani) through secret routes and in distinct vehicles – reaching a joint point in a vacant land. There, the terrorists were able to disguise in uniforms used by the Free Syrian Army and pass Asayish (Security Forces) checkpoints using FSA flags; ultimately infiltrating into the city of Kobani.

According to the information attained by local ground sources, other groups of the terrorists entered Kobani through Turkish border, as witnesses have seen that several group of the attackers had crossed into Kobani having open access to the border with Turkey.

As just as entering the city, the terrorists committed worst crimes against humanity by killing unarmed children, women and the elderly; capturing tens of civilians at the same time.

Along this assault inside the city, the terrorists in the south, southwest and west of Kobani attempted to take positon in the countryside of the city by numerous quick attacks.

After accessing Kobani’s northern center, members of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ), alongside Asayish forces, did launch a major operation against those attackers. Simultaneously in the rural district of Kobani, our forces successfully led their operations against the terrorists. Most of the assailants were killed on the 3rd day of this operation, a member of the group also captured alive.

Of the terrorists who entered northern portion, 7 elements managed to escape to Turkey, 8 others fleeing towards southern suburbs. Insistently following the terrorists in south of the city, our Units killed two of the attackers in Termik area and the remaining 6 in Korpîngarê extent.

Except for those 7 who fled to Turkey, all members of the terrorists who gain access to Kobani were ultimately killed, their weapons and ammunitions likely destroyed or seized.

The reason for the rescue operation to last long was to act tactical in order to ensure security of those civilians taken hostage by the attackers. From the beginning of the operation, tens of civilian captives were saved by our YPG/YPJ Units in a professional task process.

Over the course of conducting the stated operation, seven of our comrades inside the city, three comrades in Berkhbotan village and eleven of combatant comrades in the countryside of Kobane – fought a heroic fight and were martyred on the fields of battle.

The brutal massacre inside the city led to death of 210 innocent civilians inside Kobane while taking lives of 23 others in Berkhbotan village, leaving a total of 233 victims of that vicious act of terror – also injuring 273 people. It was during that cruel attack that 14 members of the Asayish, a member of TEV-DEM (Democratic Society Movement) and a member of Rojava Youth Union were martyred.

One of our Turkish friends, comrade Rifat (Karker Kobani), of Albanian origin who expressed a selfless sacrifice during the Kobane Resistance, and later contributed to rebuilding efforts in the city – he was martyred in June 25 massacre in Kobani, speaking a symbol of nations’ brotherhood among Kurdish, Turkish and Albanian people.

We as the People’s Defense Units and the Women’s Defense Units repeat our promise to our people that we shall ask revenge for all of our fallen martyrs, to act strong in face of the terrorists and bring those responsible for the cowardly act to justice.

YPG Kobani Command

June 28, 2015

Quelle: http://ypgrojava.com/en/index.php/statements/740-statement-by-kobani-command-june-28-2015